Tartaria corpus


Como hum Capitão Tartaro entrou com gente nesta cidade de Quansy, & do que nella fez.

A Tartar Commander enters with his Army into the Town of Quincay, and that which followed thereupon; with the Nauticors besieging the Castle of Nixiamcoo, and the taking of it by the means of some of us Portugals.


Avẽdo ja oito meses & meyo que estauamos neste catiueyro em que passamos assaz de trabalhos & necessidades, porque não tinhamos de que nos sustentassemos, se não de algũas fracas esmollas que tirauamos pela cidade.

WE had been now eight months and an half in this captivity, wherein we endured much misery, and many incommodities, for that we had nothing to live upon but what we got by begging up and down the Town,


Hũa quarta feira treze dias do mez de Iulho do anno de 1544, sendo passada mais de meya noite se leuantou em todo o pouo hũa tamanha reuolta & vnião de repiques & gritas, que parecia que se fundia a terra, & acudindo nòs todos a casa de Vasco Caluo lhe pregũtamos pela causa daquelle tumulto, & elle cõ assaz de lagrimas, nos disse, que auia noua certa de estar el Rey da Tartaria sobre a cidade do Pequim, co mais grosso poder de gente que nenhum outro Rey nũca ajuntara no mundo, desde o tempo de Adão até aquella hora,

when as one Wednesday, the third of July, in the year 1544, a little after midnight there was such a hurly burly amongst the people, that to hear the noise and cries which was made in every part, one would have thought the earth would have come over and over, which caused us to go in haste to Vasco Calvo his house, of whom we demanded the occasion of so great a tumult, whereunto with tears in his eyes he answered us, that certain news were come how the King of Tartary was fallen upon the City of Pequin with so great an Army, as the like had never been seen since Adams time;


no qual se affirmaua que vinhaõ vinte & sete Reys, & que se dezia que trazião comsigo hũ conto & oitocentos mil homẽs, de que os seiscẽtos mil eraõ de cauallo, que por terra eraõ vindos da cidade de Lançame, & de Famstir, & de Mecuy, dõde partiraõ com oitenta mil badas em que vinha o mantimento & toda a bagage, & o conto & duzentos mil de pé, vieraõ em dezasseis mil embarcaçoẽs de Laulees, & Iangaas pelo rio da Batampina abaixo, & que el Rey da China por se não atreuer a resistir a tamanho poder, se fora aforrado para o Nanquim.

In this army, according to report, were seven and twenty Kings, under whom marched eighteen hundred thousand men, whereof six hundred thousand were horse, which were come by land from the Cities of Luançama, Famstir, and Mecuy, with fourscore thousand Rhinocerots, that draw the waggons, wherein was all the Bagage of the Army; as for the other twelve hundred thousand, which were foot, it was said that they arrived by Sea in seventeen thousand vessels, down through the river of Batampina; ~~~ By reason whereof the King of China finding himself too weak for the resisting of such great forces, had with a few retired himself to the City of Nanquin.


E que agora no pinhal de Manicataraõ, que era daly hũa legoa & meya, estaua alojado hum Nauticor do Tartaro com setenta mil de cauallo, sem gente nenhũa de pé, o qual vinha sobre aquella cidade, & que lhe parecia que não tardaria duas horas, .

And that also it was reported for a certain, that a Nauticor, one of the chiefest Tartar Commanders, was come to the Forrest of Malincataran, not above a league and an half from Quinçay, with an Army of threescore and two thousand Horse, wherewith he marched against the Town, that in all likelihood he would be there within two hours at the furthest.


com a qual noua ficamos tão fora de nós, que tartameleando hũs cos outros, nem podiamos, nẽ sabiamos fallar a proposito.

These news so troubled us, that we did nothing but look one upon another, without being able to speak a word to any purpose,


E preguntandolhe nós o que fariamos, ou que meyo poderiamos ter para nos saluarmos, respondeo elle, & bẽ agastado,

howbeit desiring to save our selves, we prayed Vasco Calvo to shew us what means he thought we might use to effect it, who sad and full of grief thus answered us;


o meyo que eu agora, meus irmãos, achaua mais certo de nossa saluação, era acharmonos entre Laura & Curuche ao pé de hũa mouta, onde me eu ja vy muytas vezes, mas ja que não pode isto ser, encomendemonos a Deos nosso Senhor que nos valha;porque vos affirmo que ha menos de hũa hora que eu daua mil taeis de prata a quẽ me pusesse em saluo cõ minha molher & meus filhos, mas que não ouue remedio por estarem ja todas as portas fechadas, & a muyto bõ recado, & os muros cõ infinidade de gẽte que o Chaem lhes tem posta, a fora outros Capitaẽs que de sobresselente estão postos em certos lugares para roldarem, & acudirem onde ouuer necessidade.

O that we were in our Country between Laura and Carncha, where I have often been, and should be there now in safety, but since it cannot be so, all that we can do for the present, is to recommend our selves to God, and to pray unto him to assist us; for I assure you that an hour ago I would have given a thousand Taeis in silver to any one, that could have got me from hence, and saved me with my wife and children, but there was no possibility for it, because the gates were then all shut up, and the walls round about invironed with armed men, which the Chaem hath placed there to withstand with the enemy.


Com isto passamos os noue cõpanheyros o que ficaua daquella triste noite, em assaz grande affliçaõ, & agonia do espirito, sem nos sabermos dar a conselho, nem determinar no que fariamos, sómente gemendo & chorando co grande medo & tribulaçaõ em que nos viamos.Sendo ja menham clara, antes que o Sol saisse appareceraõ os inimigos, & deraõ de sy hũa guerreyra & assaz medonha vista, diuididos em sete batalhas muyto grossas, cõ muytas bandeyras de cãpo quarteadas de verde & brãco, que saõ as cores da deuisa deste Rey da Tartaria, & ao sõ de muytos tãbores tocados ao seu modo, se vieraõ chegando para hum pagode de grandes officinas chamado Petilau Namejoo, que estaua hum pouco afastado dos muros, & trazião na diãteyra muytos corredores em cauallos ligeyros, que tecendo huns pelos outros com suas lanças terçadas, roldauão todas as sete batalhas, & toda a mais fardagem que vinha na vamguardia.

So my fellows and I, that were nine in number, past the rest of the night there in much affliction and unquietness, without any means of counselling one another, or resolving on what we were to do, continually weeping for the extream fear we were in of what should become of us.The next morning a little before Sun-rising the enemy appeared in a most dreadful manner, they were divided into seven very great Battalions, having their Ensignes quartered with green and white, which are the colours of the King of Tartaria; marching in this order to the sound of their Trumpets, they arrived at a Pagode, called Petilau Nameioo, a place of good receit, in regard of the many lodgings it had, which was not much distant from the walls.


Chegando elles ao pagode com esta ordem que digo, despois de estarem parados quasi meya hora, se ordenaraõ ao som dos instrumentos de guerra com que continuamente tãgião, em hũ grosso esquadraõ a modo de meya Lũa, que cercaua toda a cidade em roda.

Being in this sort come to the Pagode, they stayed there abont half an hour,


E estãdo pouco mais de tiro de espingarda afastados dos muros, arremeteraõ a elles com hũa grita taõ espantosa que parecia que se ajuntaua o Ceo com a terra, & aruorando mais de duas mil escadas que para isso trazião, lhe deraõ o assalto a toda em roda, por rodas as partes que puderaõ, subindo pelas escadas acima muyto determinadamente, & sem nenhum medo.

and then marching on till they were within an harquebuse shot of the walls, they suddenly ran to them with such hideous cries, as one would have thought that Heaven and Earth would have come together, and rearing up above two thousand Ladders, which for that purpose they had brought along with them, they assaulted the Town on every side with a most invincible courage.


E ainda que no principio ouue algũa resistencia nos de dentro, com tudo nem isso foy bastante paraque os inimigos deixassem de effeituar seu intẽto, por que quebrando com vayuas feitos de vigas ferradas, as principaes quatro portas da cidade, mataraõ logo o Chaem com hũa grande quantidade de Mandarins & gente nobre que com elle acudiraõ a defender a entrada.

Now though the besieged at the beginning made some resistance, yet was it not able to hinder the enemy from effecting his designe, for by the means of certain iron rams broking up the four principal gates, they rendred themselves Masters of the Town after they had slain the Chaem, together with a great number of Mandarins, and Gentlemen, that were run thither to keep them from entring;


E com isto sem auer outra nenhũa resistencia, a miserauel cidade foy entrada destes barbaros por oito partes, os quais meteraõ â espada todos os moradores della sem perdoarem a cousa viua, de maneira que se affirmou que o numero dos mortos passou de sessenta mil pessoas, em que entrarão muitas molheres dõzellas virgẽs muyto fermosas & filhas de senhores de muyta rẽda.

Thus did these Barbarians possess themselves of this miserable Town, whereof they put all the inhabitants they could meet withall to the sword, without sparing any; and it was sad that the number of the slain amounted to threescore thoufand persons, amongst whom were many women and maids of very great beauty, which appertained to the chiefest Lords of the place.


Despois de ser morta toda esta gente, a cidade abrasada, & os edificios de casas particulares, & templos sumptuosos, & tudo o mais que nella auia posto por terra, sem auer cousa que ficasse em pé, se detiueraõ aly sete dias, & no fim delles se tornaraõ para a cidade do Pequim onde então o seu Rey estaua, & donde os mandara a aquelle feyto, os quais leuaraõ comsigo infinidade douro & de prata sem outra fazenda nenhũa, por não terem em que a leuassem, porem a toda puseraõ o fogo antes que se partissem, paraque os Chins a não lograssem.

After the bloody Massacre of so much people, and that the Town was fired, the principal houses overthrown, and the most sumptuous Temples laid level with the ground, nothing remaining on foot during the disorder, the Tartars continued there seven days, at the end whereof they returned towards Pequin, where their King was, and from whence he had sent them to this execution, carrying with them a world of gold and silver only, having burnt all the Merchandise they found there, as well because they knew not how to transport it away, as for that the Chineses should not make any benefit of it:


Dous dias despois de serem partidos, chegaraõ a hum castello que se dezia Nixiamcoo, no qual o Nauticor de Lançame general desta barbara gente assentou seu campo, & se atrincheyrou por todas as partes com tenção de o assaltar ao outro dia, por se dizer que quando por aly passara para Quansy, lhe mataraõ os Chins aly cem homens em hũa cilada que lhe fizeraõ de que estaua muyto magoado.

Two days after their departure they arrived at a Castle, named Nixianicoo, where the Nauticor of Luançama, their General, pitched his Camp, and intrenched himself on all sides with an intention to take it by assault the next day to be revenged on the Chinese there, for that upon his passing by them towards Quinçay, they had cut off an hundred of his men by an Ambuscado.


Do assalto que o Nauticor de Lançame deu ao castello de Nixiamcoo, do successo que teue, & do mais que soccedeo dahy por diante.


Despois que o campo se acabou de alojar & atrincheyrar de todo, & foy posto em quietação, que seria quasi âs Aue Marias, o general cõ sós cinco de cauallo o roldou todo seis ou sete vezes, & põdolhe a guarda & as vigias necessarias, se recolheo ao seu dopo, que era a estãcia onde tinha a sua tẽda, & mãdou chamar secretamẽte os setẽta Capitaẽs de toda a gẽte, & lhes descubrio a sua determinaçaõ, a qual elles todos lhe aprouaraõ por boa, & tratando do modo que ao dia seguinte se teria no assalto do castello, se assentou que se cometesse â escalla vista, & se desse o assalto cõ quinhẽtas escadas, que logo naquella noite se fizeraõ prestes & tanto que foy menham clara, ao som dos seus estromẽtos de guerra, a que elles chamão paliguindoens, a mayor parte da gẽte, repartida em quatorze batalhas começou a marchar para o castello cõ passo não muyto apressado, & chegãdo a tiro de frecha, começaraõ logo os soldados cõ grãdes gritas, & estrõdo de muytos estromẽtos, a encostar as escadas ao muro, & subindo por ellas acima, elles por entrarem o castello, & os de dentro por lho defenderem, trauarão entre si hũa briga tão acesa, que em menos de duas horas o Tartaro perdeo tres mil dos seus.

After the Army was encamped, and intrenched, and that the General had placed sure Guards and Sentinels in all places, he retired to his Tent, whither he sent for the seventy Captains that commanded his Army, unto whom upon their arrival he discovered his resolution, which being well approved of they fell into deliberation in what manner the Castle should be assaulted the day following, which concluded on, the next morning as soon as it was light the souldiers began to march towards the Castle, divided into fourteen Bataillions; being come within a flight shoot of it with the sound of trumpets, and most hideous cries, they reared up their Ladders against the walls, and couragiously mounted up; but in the heat of this assault, where every one shewed his valour, the one in bravely attempting, and the other in well defending, the Tartar in less then two hours lost above three thousand of his men,


E recolhẽdose então desordenadamẽte os que pelejauão, elle se veyo retirãdo para o seu arrayal, onde aquelle dia esteue quieto, entendendo somente no enterramento dos mortos, & na cura dos feridos, de que tambem ouue hum grande numero, de que a mayor parte despois morreo, por serem as setas com que os Chins lhes tirauão eruadas cõ hũa peçonha taõ forte que nenhum remedio lhe aproueitaua.

which made him found a retreat in great disorder, and he past the rest of the day in burying the dead, and curing of the wounded, whereof, there being a great number, the most part died not long after, for that the arrows wherewith they were hurt had been smeared by the Chineses with so strange and deadly poison, as there was no remedy to be found for it.


Vendo os Capitaẽs o mao successo deste assalto, receosos de lho estranhar el Rey, porque ja no cãpo auia algũas murmuraçoẽs, disseraõ ao Nauticor que se elle determinaua de dar segundo assalto, o pusesse em cõselho geral, conforme ao regimento que trazia, porque se não atreuião elles a tomar sobre sy hum tamanho peso, & a elle lhe pareceo isto bem, para o que mandou logo chamar a mayor parte dos nobres, & os fez ajuntar no campo em que estauão as tendas, onde em voz alta de cima de hũ cauallo, lhes fez hũa falla, em que lhes declarou a razão paraque aly foraõ juntos, & sobre ella se altercou hum grande espaço, com tanta variedade de pareceres, que por então se não pode tomar conclusaõ em cousa algũa, & por ser muyto tarde, & auer no cãpo muytos feridos, a que necessariamente se auia de acudir, se assentou que o outro dia seguinte se tornassem todos a ajuntar no mesmo lugar, para se tomar resolução no que se tinha altercado, & com isto se recolherão cada hum para a sua estancia.

In the mean time the Tartar Commanders seeing the ill success of this assault, and fearing the King would be offended at so great a loss for so small an occasion, perswaded the General to call another Councel, wherein it might be considered, whether it would be most expedient for the Kings honour to persist in the Siege of that place, or to give it over, whereupon this affair coming accordingly into deliberation it was a long time debated with such diversity of opinions, as they were not able to conclude upon any thing, so that it was thought fit, in regard it was then late to put off the Assembly till the next day; This resolution taken, every man retired to his quarter.


Hum destes que se acharão neste ajuntamento, era o guarda que nos trazia comsigo, o qual, por ser homem rico & honrado, vinhaõ com elle tres dos mais principaes, conuidados para a cea, os quais despois de terem ceado, vieraõ a praticar no mao successo do dia dantes, & de como o Mitaquer (que assi se chamaua o Nauticor) andaua por isso assaz agastado.

Now we being led away amidst a great many of other slaves, with whom we had escaped out of the fire of the Town, it fell out, whether for our good, or for our greater misfortune, we could not then tell, that we were under the Guard, as prisoners of war, of one of that Assembly, a rich and honourable man, who returning to his tent with three other persons, of like quality to himself, whom he had invited to Supper,


E acertando hum destes que estaua na pratica de olhar para nós, por estar mais chegado â prisaõ onde nos estauamos, vio que entẽdiamos o que elles fallauão, & nos preguntou que gente eramos, & como se chamaua a nossa terra, & de que maneyra nos catiuaraõ os Chins, âs quais preguntas respondemos conforme à verdade do que se podia dizer, de que elle fez algũ caso, & discorrendo mais pela pratica, nos preguntou se pelejauamos na nossa terra, & se era o nosso Rey inclinado á guerra, a que hum dos nossos por nome Iorge Mendez, respõdeo que sy, porque todos eramos criados nella, & exercitados de muyto pequenos, da qual reposta o Tartaro se satisfez tãto, que chamando os seus dous companheyros lhes disse, vinde ouuir estes presos, porque vos certifico que me parecem homẽs em que cabe razão: os outros dous se chegaraõ logo, & nos estiueraõ ouuindo algũas cousas que lhe contamos de nós acerca do infortunio da nossa prisaõ.

it chanced after they were risen from table that one of them espied us, where we stood chained in a corner of the tent, and perceiving us to weep was so moved, that he demanded of us what people we were ? what the name of our Country was? and how we carne to be slaves to the Chineses? whereunto we gave such an answer, as the Tartar ingaging himself further in this discourse, enquired of us whether our King was inclined to the wars, and whether we did use to fight in our Country? to whom one of our companions, named Jorge Mendez, replyed that we did; and that we had been trained up from our infancy in a military course of life; which so pleased the Tartar, that calling his two friends unto him, Come hither, said he, and have the patience to hear what these prisoners can say; for believe me they seem to be men of understanding; whereupon the other two came near, and hearing us relate some part of our misfortunes,


E não cessando elles de nos fazerem pregũtas, a que nos respondemos o milhor que soubemos, hum delles que se mostraua mais curioso disse ao Iorge Mendez, que era o que fallaua com elles, se algum de vós outros, pelo muyto que dizeis que tendes visto do mundo, entendesse, ou soubesse algum ardil, com que o Mitaquer Nauticor de Lançame pudesse tomar este castello, eu vos affirmo que em vez de serdes vós seus catiuos, o serâ elle vosso, a que o Iorge Mendez, inconsideradamente, & sem entender o que fallaua, nem o em que se metia, respondeo.

it begat a desire in them to ask us other questions, wherein having satisfied them the best that we could, one of them that seemed more curious then the rest, addressing himself to Jorge Mendes, spake thus; Since you have seen so much of the world, as you say, if there were ere a one amongst you that could find out any device, or stratagem of war, whereby the Mitaquer (for so was the Nauticor called) might take this Castle, I vow to you that he would become your prisoner, whereas you are his. Then Jorge Mendes, never considering with what imprudence he spake, nor understanding what he said, nor into what danger he was putting himself, boldly answered him;


Se o senhor Mitaquer, Nauticor de Lançame nos der hum assinado seu em nome del Rey de nos mãdar por seguros nas agoas do mar da ilha de Ainão, donde nos possamos yr liuremente para nossa terra, quiçà que lhe farey eu tomar o castello co muyto pouco trabalho.

If my Lord Mitaquer will in the name of the King give it us under his hand, that we shall have a safe conduct to convey us by Sea to the Isle of Ainan, from whence we may freely return into our Country, possibly I may be the man that will shew him how he shall take the Castle with little ado.


Hum dos Tartaros que aly estauão, homem velho & no parecer graue & de autoridade, do qual se dezia que ers muyto aceito ao Mitaquer, lhe respondeo aluoroçado, ve bem o que dizes, porque te affirmo que se isso fizeres te será logo concedido quãto pedires, & muyto mais ainda do que podes pedir.

This speech being heard, and maturely considered by one of the three, a man in years, and of great authority, as having the honour to be much esteemed and beloved of the Mitaquer, Think well of what thou sayest, replyed he to Jorge Mendez, for I assure thee if thou doest it, that whatsoever thou demandest shall be granted thee, I, and more too.


Nos então vendo o em que o Iorge Mendez se queria meter, & da maneyra que se penhoraua no que prometia, & que os Tartaros lançauão mão disso, o reprendemos todos dizendo, que se não metesse em cousa que nos desse trabalho, & nos pusesse em risco de perdermos as vidas, a que elle respondeo algum tanto agastado, bofé senhores, que quanto a minha, eu a estimo agora tão pouco, que se algum destes barbaros ma quisesse jugar à primeyra, vos certifico que cõ quaisquer duas sotas a metesse logo no primeyro inuite, porque bem entendido està que não he esta a gente que nos ha de dar a vida pelo resgate que pretenda de nos, como fazẽ os Mouros de Africa, & ja que assi he tanto monta oje como a menham.

Hereupon the rest of us seeing what Jorge Mendez was going to undertake, as also how far he ingaged himself in his promise, and that the Tartars began already to ground some hope thereupon, we thought fit to reprehend him for it, and to tell him, that he was not to hazard himself so at random by promising a thing that might bring us into the danger of our lives. I fear nothing less, said he unto us, for as for my life, in the estate where now I am, I make so little account of it, that if any of these Barbarians would play for it at Primero, I would with three of the worst cards in the pack venture it upon the first encounter, for I am confident that all the benefit they can expect from us will never oblige them to grant us either life or liberty, so that for my particular I had as lief die to day as tomorrow,


E lembreuos o que lhe vistes fazer em Quansy, & por ahy julgareis o que vos podem fazer a vòs.

judg you only by that which you saw them do at Quincay, whether you are likely to be better dealt withall now.


Os Tartaros ficaraõ algum tanto espantados de nos verem altercar hũs cos outros, & falarmos alto, que he cousa que elles entre sy não custumão, & nos reprenderão com boas palauras, dizendo, que mais proprio era das molheres fallarem alto & desentoado, pois não tem freyo na lingoa, nem chaue na boca, que de homens que cingem espadas, & tiraõ com frechas na furiosa tormenta da guerra, mas que se o Iorge Mendez pusesse em effeito o que lhe tinha dito, o Mitaquer lhe concederia tudo quanto lhe pedisse: & cõ isto se despidiraõ hũs dos outros, & se recolheo cada hum à sua estancia, por serem ja quasi as onze horas da noite, em que o quarto da prima se acabara de render & os Capitaẽs da guarda roldauão o cãpo ao som dos seus estromentos, como custumão em semelhantes tempos.

The Tartars were much abashed to see us thus in contestation one with another, and to hear us talk so loud, which is not usual amongst them, wherefore they reprehended us very seriously, saying, That it was for women to speak aloud, who could not put a bridle to their tongue, not a key to their mouths, and not for men, that carry a sword, and are made for the wars; Howbeit if it were so that Jorge Mendez could execute what he had propounded, the Mitaquer could not refuse him any thing he coul demand.This said, the Tartars retired every one to his lodging, for that it was eleven of the clock at night, the first watch being newly past, and the Captains of the Guard beginning then to walk the round about the camp at the sound of divers instruments, as is the custom in semblable occasions.


Do ardil que Jorge Mendez deu para se tomar o castello, & do assalto que se lhe deu, & do successo delles.


Aquelle dos tres Capitẽs Tartaros, de que atras fica dito, que era muyto aceito ao Mitoquer general daquelle campo, lhe foy logo dar conta do que passara com Iorge Mendez, & lhe fez disso muyto mayor caso do que a cousa em sy era, & lhe disse que o deuia de mandar chamar, & ouuilo, porque quiçá lhe satisfarião suas razoẽs de tal maneyra, que lãçaria mão por ellas, & que quando lhe não parecessem bem, que pouco se perdia nisso, & o Mitaquer lhe pareceo bom aquelle conselho, & mandou logo recado ao Tileymay, que era o Capitão que nos tinha a seu cargo, que nos leuasse lâ, & elle o fez logo com muyta presteza.

The same of the three Tartar Commanders, which I said before was so esteemed of by the Mitaquer, had no sooner learnt of Jorge Mendez, that he could tell how to take the Castle of Nixiamcoo, but that he went presently to acquaint the General with it, and making the matter greater then it was, he told him, that he could do no less then send for him to hear his reasons, which peradventure would perswade him to give credit unto him, and in case it proved not so, yet was there nothing lost thereby. The Mitaquer being well pleased with this advice, sent incontinently a Command to Tileymay, which was the Captain under whose Guard we were, for to bring us unto him, as presently he did.


Chegando nós assi presos como estauamos á tenda do Mitaquer, o achamos em conselho com todos os setẽta Capitaẽs do campo, & seria ja quasi ás duas horas despois da meya noite, elle nos fez gasalhado com sembrante afabel, porem graue & seuero, & fazendonos chegar para junto de sy nos mandou logo tirar parte das cadeas em que de tres em tres vinhamos presos, & nos preguntou se queriamos comer, a que nós respõdemos que sy, porque auia ja tres dias que nolo não dauão, o que elle estranhou muyto ao Tileymay, & o reprendeo com algũas palauras, & logo aly nos mandou trazer dous pratos grandes de arroz cozido, & adẽs de chacina cruas em talhadinhas, com que nòs, como necessitados, nos metemos de tal maneyra, que todos os circunstantes parece que mostrauão gosto de nos verem comer, & disseraõ para o Mitaquer, inda, senhor, que os não mandaras vir ante ty para mais que para lhe matares a fome, por não morrerem â mingoa, como parece que ouuera de ser, não fizeste tão pouco que não fosse ganhares esses noue escrauos, que para te seruirem em Lãçame te hão de ser muyto bõs, & quiçà que tambem para os venderes por mais de mil taeis, do qual dito hũs & os outros estiueraõ entre sy gracejãdo hum grande espaço: & tornando de nouo a nos mandar trazer mais arroz, & feijoẽs cozidos com bringellas, nos rogou que comessemos, porque folgaua muyto de nolo ver fazer, o qual gosto lhe nos então demos de muyto boa vontade.

Being then arrived, chained as we were, at the Mitaquers Tent, we found him set in Councel with the seventy Commanders of the Army about two hours after midnight; At our coming he received us with an affable countenance, yet grave and severe, and causing us to approach nearer unto him, he commanded part of our chains to be undone, then asked us if we would eat, whereunto we answered most willingly, for that in three days together we had not so much as tasted a bit of any thing, whereat the Mitaquer was very much offended, and sharply reproving the Tileymay for it, willed two great platters of sodden rice, and Ducks cut in small pieces to be set before us, whereto we fell with such an appetite, like men that were almost famished, as those of the company, who took great pleasure to see us feed so, said to the Mitaquer, when as you had nothing else, my Lord, but cause these to come before you for to slack their hunger, verily you had done very much for them, by saving them from a languishing death, which otherwise they could not have avoided, and so you might have lost these slaves, of whom the service or sale might have been some way profitable unto you, for if you will not make use of them at Lancama, you may sell them for a thousand Taeis at least. Hereat some began to laugh, but the Mitaquer commanded more rice to be given us, together with some apples, and other things, conjuring us again to eat, as a thing which he took pleasure to see us do, wherein we most willingly gave him satisfaction.


Despois que tiuemos comido tratou co Iorge Mendez pela informação que lhe tinhão dado, do modo que se teria no tomar do castello, & lhe fez muytas promessas de grandes honras, & rendas, & valia com el Rey, ou liberdade para todos noue, com outras muytas ventagẽs de que nos encheo bem as medidas, porque lhe affirmaua que se por seu meyo lhe Deos desse aquella victoria com que elle tomasse vingança de seus inimigos como desejaua, & o sangue dos mortos estaua pedindo, que elle o fizesse em tudo quãto pedisse semelhante a sy, ou ao menos, a qualquer de seus filhos, de que o Iorge Mendez ficou hum pouco embaraçado, porque nunca lhe pareceo que a cousa chegasse a tanto, & lhe respondeo que daquelle caso elle não dissera mais a aquelle homem senão que por ventura diria como se tomasse o castello se o visse por seus olhos, mas que como fosse menham, elle o rodearia todo, & o veria muyto bem, & então lhe diria o modo que para isso se poderia ter, da qual reposta o Mitaquer com todos os mais ficaraõ muyto satisfeitos, & lha louuarão muyto.

After we had fed well, he began to talk with Jorge Mendez about that which had been told him of him, and of the means that were to be used for taking the Castle, making him many great promises of honours, pentions, favour with the King, and liberty for all the rest of his fellows, with other such offers, as passed all measure: For he swore unto him that if by his means God should give him the victory, whereby he sought nothing but to be revenged on his enemies for the blood which they had shed of his men, he should every way be like unto himself, or at least to any of his children which soever; Herewith Jorge Mendez found himself somewhat perplexed, because he held it almolst impossible for him to bring it to effect, howsoever he told him, that not to hold him longer in hand, he did not think but if he might view the Castle with his own eys, he might then peradventure let him know how it might be taken, wherefore if his Lordship pleased, he would the next morning consider it all about, and thereupon render him an account what course was to be taken therein. The Mitaquer & all the rest, a[]owed very well of his answer,


Então nos mandarão agasalhar em outra tenda junto desta em que elle estaua, onde passamos o que restaua da noite com boa guarda que se teue sobre nós, & Deos sabe quão atemorizados, porque bem sabiamos que se a cousa não socedesse como elles desejauão, nos auião de fazer a todos em quartos, porque a cousa de que fazem menos caso he de matarem vinte & trinta homẽs por valia de quasi nada, sem terem respeito a Deos, nem á humanidade.

and greatly commending him for it sent us to be lodged in a Tent not far from his, where we spent the rest of the night under a sure Guard; you may judg now in what fear we were, knowing that if the business did not succeed according to the desire of these Barbarians, they would cut us all in pieces, for that they were a people which for never so small a matter would not stick to kill twenty or thirty men, without any regard either of God, or any thing else.


Ao outro dia, sendo ja passadas as noue horas, o Iorge Mendez, & outros dous de nòs que lhe derão licença que leuasse comsigo, forão leuados por trinta de caualo a ver o castello, & despois de bem vista a fortaleza & o sitio delle, & o por onde & como se poderia tomar, o tornarão a leuar ao Mitaquer, que com grande aluoroço o estaua esperando, ao qual elle deu relação do que vira, & lhe facilitou a tomada do castello sem nenhum trabalho, & com pouco risco, de que o Mitaquer ficou tão contẽte que não cabia de prazer.

The next morning about eight of the clock, Jorge Mendez, and two of us, that were appointed to accompany him, went to survey the place with thirty horse for our safe-Guard; when as Jorge Mendez had well observed the scituation thereof, as also that part whereby it might most commodiously be assaulted, he returned to the Mitaquer, that expected him with impatience, to whom he gave an acount of what he had seen, and facilitated the taking of the Castle with little hazard, whereat the Mitaquer was so overjoyed,


E mandandonos logo tirar a todos noue a parte das prisoẽs que ainda tinhamos, que eraõ as ferropeas dos peis, & as cadeas dos pescoços, nos jurou pelo arroz que comia, de tanto que chegasse ao Pequim, nos apresentar a el Rey, & cũprir quãto nos tinha prometido, sem falta nenhũa, & de nos passar logo disso hum formão assinado com letras douro, porque pudessemos descançar na verdade da sua palaura.

that he presently caused the rest of our irons, and the chains, wherewith we were fastened by the neck and feet to be taken off, swearing to us by the rice he did eat, that as soon as he came to Pequin, he would present us to the King, and infallibly accomplish all that he had promised us, for the more assurance whereof he confirmed it by a Deed under his hand, that was written in letters of gold, to make it more authentical.


E mandandonos vir de comer, nos mãdou assentar junto de sy, & nos fez outras muytas hõras ao seu custume, de que algum tanto ficamos satisfeitos, mas bem arreceosos dos desastres da fortuna, se por nossos peccados o negocio não socedesse conforme à esperança que o Mitaquer ja tinha cõcebida.

That done, he sent for us to dinner, and would needs have us to sit with him at table, doing us many other honours according to their manner, which greatly contented us, but on the other side we were in no little fear, least this affair should not for our sins have a success answerable to that hope the Mitaquer had already conceived of it.


Logo naquelle mesmo dia se tomou conclusaõ com todos os Capitaẽs sobre a ordem que se auia de ter no cometer do castello, de que o Iorge Mendez daua a traça & era o mestre do campo, por quem tudo se gouernaua, & se cortou infinidade de faxina para se entulhar a caua, & se fizeraõ mais de trezẽtas escadas muyto fortes & largas em que bem podião caber tres homens emparelhados, & ajuntouse mais hũa grande soma de cestos & enxadas que se acharão pelas casas das pouoaçoẽs despejadas, & a mayor parte da gente andou todo este dia occupada em ajuntar estas achegas necessarias para o dia seguinte em que se auia de dar o assalto, & sempre o Iorge Mẽdez andou a cauallo junto co Mitaquer, & muyto fauorecido delle, com que todos enxergamos logo nelle, hum nouo esprito & oufania, tão differente dos dias atras, que espantados nós desta nouidade que viamos nelle, não faltaraõ algũs que mouidos desta nossa mâ natureza que sofre muyto mal estas differenças, viessem a murmurar delle dizendo a modo de donayre & torcendo os fucinhos, que vos parece deste perro?

The rest of this day the Commanders spent in resolving upon the order that was to be observed for assaulting the Castle, wherein Jorge Mendez was the sole Director: First of all then an infinite company of Bavins & Fagots was gotten together for to fill up the ditches; there were also three hundred Ladders made, very strong, and so large, that three men might easily mount upon them a front without incombring one another; likewise there was a world of Paniers, Dossers, and Baskets provided, together with a great multitude of Mattocks, and Spades, that were found in the Villages and Burroughs thereabout, which the inhabitants had deserted upon the bruit of this war, and all the souldiers of the Army made preparation of such things as they should need the next day when the assault was to be given. In the main time Jorge Mendez rode always by the Mitaquers side, who shewed him many great favours, which we perceived had begotten in him a stately carriage, far diffferent from that he was wont to have, whereat we wondring, some of us (who envious of anothers good fortune, and ont of an ill nature) could not chuse but murmur, saying one to another, as it were in disdain, and in a kind of jeering, What think you of this dog?


ou nôs por seu respeito auemos todos a menham de ser feitos em quartos, ou elle, se lhe este negocio socede como imagina, ha de ter tamanha valia cõ estes barbaros, que nos auemos de auer por honrados de o seruirmos toda nossa vida.

verily he will be the cause that either to morrow morning we shall be all cut in pieces, or if the business he hath undertaken succeed as we desire, it is probable that he will be in such credit with these Barbarians, that we shall account it for a happiness to be his servants; and this was the talk which we had amongst us.


Ao outro dia, duas horas ante menham ao som dos palosguindoẽs, que saõ os seus atabales, & de outros muytos estromentos de guerra, que elles vsaõ, toda a gẽte do campo foy posta em ordenança, repartida em doze batalhas, de que se fizeraõ cinco fileyras muyto compridas, & hũa cõtrafileyra que na vamguardia, a modo de meya lũa cingia todo este cãpo, & nas pontas hião os gastadores com toda esta maquina de faxina, escadas, cestos, & enxadas para vazarẽ a caua, & a entulharem até ficar igual com a terra.

The next day all the Army was put into order, and divided into twelve Battallions, whereof they made twelve Files, and one Counterfile in the Vantguard, that incompassed the whole Camp in manner of an half moon: upon the wings were the foremost with all that Mass of Bavins, Ladders, Baskets, Mattocks, Spades, and other materials to fill up the ditch, and make it equal with the rest of the ground.


Marchando tudo com esta ordem, chegaraõ ao castello ja dia claro, o qual neste tempo estaua muyto fornecido de gente, & ornado de muytos estendartes de seda, & guioẽs compridos à Charachina.

Marching in this manner they arrived at the Castle, which they found strongly mann’d, and with a number of Flags and Streamers waving upon the Battlements.


Logo em chegando, a primeyra salua que se derão os de fora & os de dẽtro, foy de muytas frechadas, & de muytos arremessos de zargunchos, & de pedras, & de panellas de cal em pò, & algũas de fogo, em que se gastou quasi meya hora, & apos esta salua, logo os Tartaros sangraraõ a caua por seis ou sete partes, & entulhandoa com muyta presteza com faxina & terra, foraõ logo as escadas todas juntamente encostadas ao muro, que ja ficaua muyto baixo por causa do entulho, o Iorge Mendez foy o primeyro que subio pelas escadas, acompanhado de dous dos nossos, que como amoucos, hião determinados de morrerem, ou fazerem cousa com que se sinalassẽ, & prouue a nosso Senhor que lhe socedeo bem, assi por serem elles os que fizeraõ esta primeyra entrada, como por aruorarem o primeyro guiaõ, de que o Mitaquer com todos os mais que estauão com elle ficaraõ taõ espantados que dezião hũs para os outros, se o Rey desta gente cercara o Pequim como nòs o cercamos, o Chim perdera mais depressa a sua hõra do que lha nos fizemos perder.

The first Salutation between the besiegers and the besieged was with arrows, darts, stones, and pots of wild-fire, which continued about half an hour, then the Tartars presently filled the ditch with bavins and earth, and so reared up their ladders against the wall, that now by reason of the filling up of the ditch was not very high; The first that mounted up was Jorge Mendez, accompanied with two of ours, who as men resolved had set up their rest, either to die there, or to render their valour remarkable by some memorable act, as in effect it pleased our Lord that their resolution had a good success, for they not only entred first, but also planted the first colours upon the wall, whereat the Mitaquer and all that were with him, were so amazed, as they said one to another, Doubtless if these people did besiege Pequin, as we do, the Chineses, which defend that City, would sooner lose their honour, then we shall make them to do it with all the forces we have;


E subindo logo nas costas destes tres Portugueses todos os Tartaros que estauão ao pé das escadas, o que tambem fizeraõ com muyto esforço, assi por terem seu Capitão diante, como por serem de sua natureza quasi tão determinados como os Iapoẽs, em muyto breue espaço foraõ encima do muro mais de cinco mil dos da nossa parte, os quais com o impeto que leuauão fizeraõ retirar os Chins, & a briga se trauou entre hũs & os outros tão braua, & tanto sem piedade, que em pouco mais de meya hora o negocio ficou logo concluydo, & o castello tomado cõ morte de dous mil Chins & Mogores que estauão dentro nelle, & dos Tartaros não mais que até cento & vinte.

in the mean time all the Tartars, that were at the foot of the ladders, followed the three Portugals, and carried themselves so valiantly, what with the example of a Captain that had shewed them the way, as out of their own natural disposition, almost as resolute as those of Japan, that in a very short space above 5000 of them were got upon the walls from whence with great violence they made the Chineses to retire, whereupon so furious and bloody a fight ensued between either party, that in less then half an hour the bussiness was fully decided, and the Castle taken, with the death of two thousand Chineses and Mogores that were in it, there being not above sixscore of the Tartars slain.


Apos isto se abriraõ logo as portas com grãdes festas & regozijos de muytos tangeres em sinal de vitoria.

That done the gates being opened,


E o Mitaquer com todos os Capitaẽs & gente nobre entrarão dentro, os quais vendo a grande quantidade dos mortos que estaua na praça do castello, ficarão ainda muyto mais espantados, & sem fazer caso dos seus que tambem aly acabaraõ, mandou queymar as bãdeyras dos Chins, & embandeyrar o castello das suas, com outra noua cerimonia de tãgeres & festas ao seu modo, & fez merces aos feridos, & armou alguns caualeyros com insignia de hũa manilha douro.

the Mitaquer with great acclamations of joy entred, and causing the Chineses colours to be taken down, and his own to be advanced in their places, he with a new ceremony of rejoycing at the sound of many instruments of war after the the manner of the Tartars gave rewards to the wounded, and made divers of the most valiant of his followers Knights, by putting bracelets of gold about their right arms;


Isto acabado, que seria quasi à hũa hora despois do meyo dia, comeo dentro com alguns amigos & priuados seus, em sinal de mayor triumfo.

and then about noon he with the chief Commanders of his Army, for the greater triumph dined in the Castle,


Ao Iorge Mendez & aos outros Portugueses deu tambem manilhas douro, & os mandou assentar junto de sy, & despois que comeo, se sahio para fora com todos os que estauão com elle, & mandou derrubar todo o muro em roda, & despois de ser raso co chaõ, lhe puseraõ o fogo com muytas cerimonias a modo de triumfo de muytos tangeres & gritas, & o borrifou todo por cima com sangue, & mandou cortar as cabeças a todos os mortos que na praça estauão, & aos seus mandou enterrar, & curar os feridos,

where he also bestowed bracelets of gold upon Jorge Mendez, and the other Portugals, whom he made to sit down at table with him; After the cloth was taken away, he went out of the Castle with all his company, and then causing all the walls of it to be dismantelled, he razed the place quite to the ground, setting on fire all that remained with a number of ceremonies, which was performed with great cries and acclamations to the sound of divers instruments of war; Moreover he commanded the ruines of this Castle to be sprinkled with the blood of his enemies, and the heads of all of them that lay dead there to be cut off, as for his own souldiers that were slain, he caused them to be triumphantly buried, and such as were hurt to be carefully looked unto;


& isto acabado se recolheo para a sua tenda cõ grande apparato de cauallos a destro, & porteyros de maças, & gente de guarda, leuando sempre junto comsigo o Iorge Mendez a cauallo, & nòs os oito com todos os mais Capitaens & gente nobre a pè.

this done, he retired with a huge train, and in great pomp to his tent, having Jorge Mendez close by him on horsback; As for the other eight of us, together with many brave Noblemen and Captains, we followed him on foot.


E chegando á sua tenda, que tambem estaua com insignias de festa, mandou dar ao Iorge Mendez mil taeis de merce, & a cada hum de nòs cento sómente, de que algũs, que presumião de mais honrados, ficaraõ bem tristes & descontentes por se lhe ter menos respeito que ao Iorge Mendez, por cuja industria se principiara & effeituara este bõ successo, o qual foy causa de sermos todos liures & postos cõ honra em nossa liberdade.

Being arrived at his tent, which was richly hung, he sent Jorge Mendez a thousand Taeis for a reward, and to us but an hundred a piece, whereat some of us, that thought themselves to be better qualified, were very much discontented, for that he was more respected then they, by whose means, as well as his, the enterprise had been so happily atchieved, though by the good succes thereof we had all obtained honour and liberty.


Do caminho que o Mitaquer fez deste castello de Nixiamcoo atê chegar ao arrayal que el Rey dos Tartaros tinha sobre a cidade do Pequim.

The Mitaquer departs from the Castle of Nixiamcoo, and goes to the King of Tartary his Camp before Pequin; with that which we saw till we arrived there; and the Mitaquers presenting us unto the King.


Tanto que ao outro dia foy menham clara, como aquy ja não auia que fazer, o Mitaquer determinou de seguir seu caminho para a cidade do Pequim, onde então el Rey estaua, como atras ja fica dito, & posto o campo na ordenança com que custumaua de caminhar, abalou daquy âs oito horas, & marchando a passo cheyo ao som dos seus estromentos, se foy alojar ja quasi ao meyo dia a hũa ribeyra muyto fresca, & de grandes pumares de muyta fruyta, em algũs dos quais auia casas nobres que deuião de ser quintãs, mas tudo ja despejado & sem gente, nem fato, nem gado, nem cousa algũa de que estes barbaros pudessem lançar mão: & passada a força da calma, que seria quasi ás tres horas, se leuantou, & seguio seu caminho, & com meya hora de noite se foy alojar em hũa boa pouoaçaõ que estaua à borda do rio, por nome Lautimey, a qual tambem achamos sem gẽte, porque toda a terra estaua desabitada com medo deste cruel barbaro que a nenhũa cousa perdoaua nẽ daua vida.

The next day the Mitaquer having nothing more to do where he was, resolved to take his way towards the City of Pequin, before which the King lay, as I have delivered before; To this effect having put his Army into battel aray, he departed from thence at eight of the clock in the morning, and marching leasurely to the sound of his warlike instruments, he made his first station about noon upon the bank of a river, whose scituation was very pleasant, being all about invironed with a world of fruit trees, and a many goodly houses, but wholly deserted, and bereaved of all things which the Barbarians might any way have made booty of. Having past the greatest heat of the day there, he arose and marched on until about an hour in the night that he took up his lodging at a prety good Town, called Lantimay, which likewise we found deserted, for all this whole Country was quite dispeopled for fear of the Barbarians, who spared no kind of person, but wheresoever they came put all to fire and sword,


Ao outro dia, sendo ja menham clara, este exercito tão cruel & tão barbaro como o seu Capitão, pòs fogo á pouoaçaõ, & a outros muytos lugares muyto frescos, que ao longo deste rio estauão, o que tambem cahio em sorte a hum campo chamado Bumxay, de mais de seis legoas em roda, & muyto plano, todo de sementeyras, que a este tempo estaua menos de meyo segado, & tudo o mais do trigo que nelle estaua ainda por segar, que era a mayor parte, foy consumido do fogo de tal maneyra, que não ficou nelle cousa que não fosse desfeita em cinza.

as the next day they did by this place, and many other along this river, which they burnt down to the ground; and that which yet was more lamentable, they set on fire, and clean consumed to ashes a great large plain, being above six leagues about, and full of corn ready to be reaped.


Acabada esta obra, assaz digna de quem a fez, o campo se abalou daquy todo, no qual aueria sessenta & cinco mil de cauallo, porque os mais ficaraõ mortos, assi na tomada de Quansy, como na do castello de Nixiancoo, & seguindo seu caminho, chegou a hũa serra que se chamaua Pommitay, onde se alojou aquella noite, & ao outro dia pela menham se partio, caminhando algum tanto mais apressado para poder chegar com de dia ao Pequim, que era daly sete legoas, & chegãdo às tres horas despois do meyo dia a hũa ribeyra que se chamaua Palemxitau, o veyo aly receber ao caminho hum capitão Tartaro com obra de cento de cauallo, o qual auia ja dous dias que aly o estaua esperãdo, & lhe deu hũa carta del Rey que trazia para elle, a qual elle estimou muyto, & a recebeo do que lha trazia cõ grãde cerimonia de cortesias.

This cruelty executed, the Army began again to move, composed as it was of some threescore and five thousand horse, (for as touching the rest they were all slain, as well at the taking of Quinçay, as in that of the Castle of Nixiamcoo,) and went on to a mountain, named Pommitay, where they remained that night; The next morning dislodging from thence, they marched on somewhat faster then before, that they might arrive by day at the City of Pequin, which was distant about seven leagues from that mountain: At three of the clock in the afternoon we came to the river of Palamxitan, where a Tartar Captain, accompanied with an hundred horse, came to receive us, having waited there two days for that purpose; The first thing that he did, was the delivering of a letter from the King to our General, who received it with a great deal of ceremony;


Daquy desta ribeyra até o arrayal del Rey, que podiaõ ser duas legoas, caminhou cõ a gẽte fora da ordenança que ate aly trouxera, assi por se não encontrar cõ a muyta que pelos caminhos em magotes o estaua esperando, como tambem pela outra que os senhores trazião comsigo, a qual era tanta que todos os cãpos eraõ cheyos della, sem auer cousa que pudesse romper por nenhum caminho, & chegados assi com esta ordem, ou antes desordem, ao castello de Lautir, que era o primeyro forte de noue espias que tinha o campo, em que auia hũa grande força de soldados, achamos ja nelle hum principe filho del Rey da Persia chamado Guijay Paraõ, o qual el Rey aly tinha mandado para leuar o Mitaquer consigo.

From this river to the Kings quarter, which might be some two leagues, the Army marched without order, as being unable to do otherwise, partly as well in regard of the great concourse of people, wherewith the ways were full in coming to see the Generals arrival, as for the great train which the Lords brought along with them, that over-spread all the fields; In this order, or rather disorder, we arrived at the Castle of Lautir, which was the first Fort of nine that the Camp had for the retreat of the Spies, there we found a young Prince, whom the Tartar had sent thither to accompany the General,


O Mitaquer chegãdo a elle, que o estaua esperando â entrada do castello, se deceo do cauallo em que hia, &tirou da cinta o terçado que leuaua, & lho offereceo em joelhos, beijando primeyro a terra cinco vezes, que he cerimonia de cortesia vsada entre elles.

who alighting from his horse, took his Scymitar from his side, and on his knees offered it unto him, after he had kissed the ground five times, being the ceremony or compliment ordinarily used amongst them;


O principe lhe fez muyto gasalhado, & com sembrante alegre lhe deu os parabẽs da honra & fama que ganhara na tomada de Quansy, & apos isto se retirou atras dous ou tres passos com outra noua cerimonia, & leuantando a voz com hũa falla ja mais isenta, como quem representaua a pessoa do Rey em cujo nome vinha, lhe disse: Aquelle, a quem a boca do meu rosto beija continuamente o rico quimão do seu vestido, o qual por poder de grandeza senhorea os cetros da terra, & as ilhas do mar, te mãda dizer por mim seu escrauo, que a tua honrosa vinda seja tão agradauel diante da sua presença como a doce menham do verão, no qual o banho das agoas frias mais satisfaz nossa carne, & que sem nenhũa detenpa te apresses a ouuir a sua voz, & que neste cauallo ajaezado do seu tisouro te leue comigo, porque fiques igual na honra cos mayores da sua corte, & conheção os que te virem yr desta maneyra, que es tu membro forte a quem o agro das armas dà tal galardão.

The Prince was exceedingly pleased with this honour done unto him, which with a smiling countenance, and much acknowledgment of words he testified unto him; This past, the Prince with a new ceremony stept two or three paces back, and lifting up his voice with more gravity then before, as he that represented the Person of the King, in whose name he came, said unto him, He, the border of whose rich vesture my mouth kisseth, and that out of an incredible greatness mastereth the Scepters of the earth, and of the lsles of the Sea, sends thee word by me, who am his slave, that thy honourable arrival is no less agreable unto him, then the Summers sweet morning is to the ground, when as the dew doth comfort and refresh our bodies, and therefore would have thee without further delay to come and hear his voice mounted on his horse, whose trappings are garnished with jewels taken out of his Treasury, to the end, that riding by my side, thou mayest be made equal in honour to the greatest of his Court, and that they which behold thee marching in this sort, may acknowledge that the right hand of him is mighty and valiant unto whom the labours of war giveth this recompence.


O Mitaquer prostrado por terra, cõ as mãos aleuantadas lhe respondeo, cem mil vezes seja trilhada minha cabeça co calcanhar do seu pé, paraque a diuisa da sua pegada abranja a todos os da minha geraçaõ, & fique por timbre de honra ao meu filho mais velho, & caualgando então no cauallo que este principe lhe dera ajaezado com arreyos douro, que dezião que era da pessoa del Rey, se pos â sua mão direyta, & começarão a caminhar cõ grãdissimo apparato & majestade, de muytos cauallos a destro, & porteyros com maças de prata ao nosso modo, & hũa guarda de seiscentos alabardeyros, de que a mayor parte eraõ de cauallo, & quinze carretas com atabales de prata, os quais juntos com outra muyta quantidade de barbaros & desentoados estromentos, fazião tamanha matinada, que não auia quem se pudesse ouuir com elles, & em toda a distancia deste caminho que seria quasi de legoa & meya, era tanta a gente de cauallo que não auia poder romper por parte nenhũa.

Hereupon the Mitaquer prostrating himself on the earth, with his hands lifted up, answered him thus, Let my head be an hundred times trampled on by the sole of his feet, that all those of my race may be sensible of so great a favour, and that my eldest Son may ever carry it for a mark of honour. Then mounting on the horse, which the Prince had given him, trapped with gold and precious stones, being one of those that the King used to ride on himself, they marched on with a great deal of State and Majesty. In this pomp were many spare horses led richly harnessed; there were also a number of Ushers, carrying silver Maces on their shoulders, and six hundred Halberdiers on horsback, together with fifteen Chariots, full of silver Cymbals, and many other ill tuned barbarous instruments, that made so great a din, as it was not possible to hear one another. Moreover in all this distance of way, which was a league and an half, there were so many men on horsback, as one could hardly pass through the croud in any part thereof.


Chegando o Mitaquer com este triumfo aos primeyros vallos do arrayal, nos mandou a nòs por hum homem seu para o dopo da estancia onde tinha o seu aposento, & nos disse que ao outro dia mais deuagar nos apresentaria a el Rey, onde fomos bem agasalhados, & prouidos do necessario muyto abastadamente.

The Mitaquer being thus in triumph arrived at the first trenches of the Camp, he sent us by one of his Servants to his quarter, where we were very well received, and abundantly furnished with all things necessary for us.


Da maneyra que o Mitaquer nos leuou para nos apresentar a el Rey & do que vimos & passamos antes de chegarmos a vello.


Despois de auer quatorze dias que eramos chegados a este arrayal, hũa quarta feyra pela menham, este Mitaquer nosso general nos mandou chamar á sua tenda onde então estaua acompanhado dalgũs homẽs nobres, perante os quais nos disse, a menham a estas horas estay todos prestes para vos eu cumprir o que vos tenho prometido, que he verdes a face daquelle que temos por senhor, & esta merce que vos foy feita por meu respeito, juntamente com a liberdade que vos he concedida, alcancey eu oje por hõra muyto grande aos peis da sua cadeyra, a qual vos affirmo em boa verdade que eu estimey tanto por amor de vòs como a tomada de Nixiancoo, de que lâ direys algũa cousa, se fordes tão ditosos que se vos pregunte.

Fourteen days after we arribed at this Camp, the Mitaquer, our General, sent for us to his tent, where in the presence of some of his Gentlemen, he said unto us; To morrow morning about this time be you ready, that I may make good my word unto you, which is to let you see the face of him, whom we hold for our Soveraign Lord, a grace that is done to you out of a particular respect to me; And this his Maysty doth not only grant unto you, but your liberty also, which I have obtained of him for you, and which in truth I am no lest glad of, then of the taking of Mixiancoo, the particulars whereof you may relate unto him, if you come to be so happy as to be questioned by him about it.


E lembrouos que estimarey eu muyto lembraruos lá nessa terra do cabo do mundo onde me dizeis que he a vossa patria, que compri eu com vosco minha palaura, & que fuy nisso tão puntual que quiçá deixey de pedir outra cousa a el Rey de mais meu proueito, por lhe mostrar que só desta teria mais gosto, a qual me elle logo concedeo, com mostras de tamanhas honras, que vos confesso que eu sou o que nessa parte vos fico deuẽdo muyto mais do que me vós deueis a mym, a que nòs todos noue nos prostramos no chão, & com as cortesias deuidas a tão boa noua, respõdemos, saõ tamanhas, senhor, as merces que nos tẽs feitas, que querertas agradecer cõ as palauras, como a gente do mundo custuma de fazer no tempo dagora, entẽdemos que serà mais ingratidão que verdadeyro & deuido agradecimento, por onde nos parece que o mais acertado serà o silencio metido na alma que Deos em nòs pos.

Withall I assure you that I shall take it for a great satisfaction, if when you shall return into your Country, you will remember that I have kept my word with you, and that therein I have shewed myself so punctual, as it may be I would not for that consideration demand of the King some other thing more profitable for me, that you may know this was that which I only desired: Also the King hath done me the honour to grant it me presently, and that with such exceeding demonstration of favour, as I must confess I am thereby more obliged unto you, then you are to me. Having spoken thus unto us we prostrated our selves upon the ground, and in this sort answered him. My Lord, the good which you have pleased to do, is so great, that to go about to thank you with words (as the world useth to do) in the state we now are in, would rather be an ingratitude, then a true and due acknowledgment;so that we think it better to pass it by in silence within the secret of that soul which God hath put into us;


E ja que a lingoa nos não serue para isto, pois não pode formar palauras que sejão capazes de satisfazer a tamanha obrigação como esta em que todos te estamos, seruirnosha de pedirmos continuamente com muytas lagrimas & gemidos a aquelle Senhor que fez os ceos & a terra, o qual por sua infinita bondade & misericordia quiz tomar a seu cargo pagar pelos pobres aquillo a que suas fracas forças não podẽ chegar, que a ty & a teus filhos de tamanho conhecimento da sua verdade que por elle mereças ter parte nas suas promessas despois que nesta vida viueres muyto largos annos.

And therefore since our tongues are of no use, to us herein, and that they cannot frame words, capable to satisfie so great an obligation, as this is, wherein all of us stand for ever so infinitely ingaged unto you, we must with continual tears and sighs beg of the Lord which made Heaven and earth, that he will reward you for it; for it is he that out of his infinite mercy and goodness, hath taken upon him to pay that for the poor, which they of themselves are not able to discharge; It is he then, that will throughly recompence you and your children for this good office you have done us, and whereby you merit to have a share in his promises, and to live long and happily in this world.


Entre os homẽs que então acompanhauão o Mitaquer, estaua hum por nome Bonquinadau, homem ja de dias, & dos principais senhores do reyno, & que aly era Capitão da gente estrangeyra, & das badas da guarda do cãpo, a quem se tinha mais respeito que a todos os outros que estauão presentes: este, quando ouuio a nossa reposta, pos os olhos no Ceo & disse, ó quem pudesse preguntar a Deos pela declaraçaõ deste segredo, a que o nosso pobre entendimẽto não pode chegar, que porque causa quiz que gente tão auessa do conhecimento da nossa verdade responda assi improuiso com hũa doçura de palauras tão agradaueis aos ouuidos, que vos affirmo que estou em dizer, & quasi que a isso poria a cabeça, que da conta de Deos & do Ceo sabem mais dormindo, que nós todos espertos, donde se pode infirir que terão entre sy sacerdotes que entendão do que vay das estrellas para cima muyto mais que os nossos bonzos da casa Lechune: a que os outros responderaõ, tem vossa grandeza tanta razão no que diz, que quasi deuemos todos ter isso por fé, pelo que nos parece que fora muyto acertado não os deixar yr desta terra, porque nos puderão, como mestres, insinar o que sabem das cousas do mũdo.

Amongst those which accompanied the Mitaquer at that time, there was one named Bonquinuda, a man in years, and of the principalest Lords of the Kingdom, who in this Army commanded over the strangers and Rhinocerots, that served for the Guard of the Camp; This same, unto whom more respect was bom then to all the rest that were present, had no sooner heard our answer but lifting up his eyes to Heaven he said, O! Who could be so happy, as to be able to ask of God the explication of so high a secret, whereunto the weakness of our poor understanding cannot arrive; for I would fair know from whence it comes, that he permits people so for esloigned from the knowledge of our truth, to answer on the suddain in terms so agreable to our ears, that I dare to well say, nay, I will venture my head on it, that concerning things of God, and Heaven, they know more sleeping, then we do broad awake, whence it may be inferred that there are Priests amongst them that understand the course of the Stars, and the motions of the Heavens, far better then our Bonzes of the house of Lechuna. Whereupon all that were about him answered, Your Greatness hath so much reason for it, that we were obliged to behold it as an Article of our faith wherefore we think it were fit, that these strangers should not be suffered to go out of our Country, where, as our Masters and Doctors, they might teach us such things they know of the world.


A isto respondeo o Mitaquer, affirmouos a todos que por nenhũ caso o faça el Rey, ainda que por isso lhe dem o tisouro da China, porque se o fizesse, seria quebrar a verdade de sua palaura, com que se perderia toda a reputaçaõ da sua grandeza, pelo qual he escusado tratar de cousas que não podem ser, nem he bem que sejão: & voltandose para nòs nos disse, vos outros ideuos muyto embora, & a menham a estas horas estay prestes para quando vos eu mandar chamar, & com isto nos fomos todos tão contentes quãto era razão.

That which you advise, replyed the Mitaquer, is not much amiss, and yes the King would never permit it for all the treasures of China, because if he should, he would then violate the truth of his word, and so lose all the reputation of his greatness, wherefore you must excuse me if I do not propound things unto him that cannot be; where upon turning himself towards us, Go, get you gone, said he unto us, and to morrow morning fail not to be ready for to come again when I shall send for you. These words exceedingly contented us, as there was great cause they should;


Ao outro dia às horas que nos disse, nos mandou à tenda noue cauallos bem concertados, nos quais caualgamos, & nos fomos á sua tenda, & elle se pos num piambre, que he como andas entre nós, o qual leuauão dous cauallos cõ bos jaezes, & hia todo cercado em roda dos seus sessenta alabardeyros, cõ seis pagẽs bem vestidos, em quartaos brancos, & nòs os noue hum pouco atras em nossos cauallos, & toda a outra mais gente a pé, & leuaua seus estromentos de estado, que de quando em quando tangiaõ, sem outro mais fausto nem apparato algum, & desta maneyra abalou para onde estaua el Rey, o qual estaua aposentado naquelle grande & sumptuoso edificio da Nacapirau, a que os Chins chamão Raynha do Ceo, de que atras ja fiz menção no capitolo cento & dez.

and accordingly the next day he sent us nine horses very well furnished, upon which we mounted, and so went to his Tent; He in the mean time had put himself into a Piambre (that is somewhat like to a Litter) drawn with two horses richly harnessed; round about him for his Guard marched threescore Halberdiers, six pages apparelled in his Livery mounted on white Curtals, and we nine on horsback a little more behind. In this manner he went on towards the place where the King was, whem he found lodged in the great and sumptuous Edifice of the Goddess Nacapirau, by the Chineses called the Queen of Heaven, whereof I have spoken at large in the thirty fourth Chapter.


E chegando âs primeyras tranqueyras do dopo del Rey, que se chamaua Xauxiapom, se deceo do piambre, & todos os mais com elle para fallar ao Nautaraõ, & com algũas cerimonias gentilicas lhe pedio licença para entrar dentro, o qual lha concedeo.

Being arrived at the first trenches of the Kings Tent, he alighted out of his Litter, and all the rest likewise off from their horses, for to speak to the Nantaran, of whom with a kind of ceremony, after the fashion of the Gentiles, he craved leave to enter, which was presently granted him.


E subindo o Mitaquer outra vez no piambre, entrou co mesmo fausto que leuaua destas portas para dentro, onde o nós seguimos a pè, & chegou até hũa varanda rasa muyto comprida, na qual estaua hũa muyto grande somma de gente nobre, aly decendose outra vez do piambre, nos disse que aly o esperassemos, porque hia saber se estaua el Rey em tempo para se lhe poder fallar, & aly ficamos todos por espaço de quasi hũa hora.

Thereupon the Mitaquer being returned into his Litter, passed through the gates in the same manner as before, only we and the rest of his followers waited upon him on foot. When he came to a low and very long Gallery, where there was a great number of Gentlemen, he alighted again out of his Litter, and told us that we were to attend him there, for that he would go and know whether it were a fit time to speak with the King, or no.


Neste meyo tempo, vendo algũs dos nobres que estauão na varanda, que eramos nòs estrangeyros, & gente que ainda aly não tinhão visto, nos chamaraõ para dentro, & com muyto gasalhado nos assentaraõ junto comsigo, onde estiuemos hum grande espaço vẽdo voltear hũs trejeitadores & cãtar, de que elles fazião muyto caso, mas nós muyto pouco, assi pelos não entendermos, como por nos parecerem muyto frios & desengraçados.

We stayed there then about an hour, during the which some of the Gentlemen that were in the Gallery observing us to be strangers, and such kind of people as they had never seen the like, they called us, and very courteously bid as to sit down by them, where having spent some time in beholding certain tumblers shewing feats of activity,


Sendo ja passada quasi hũa hora, o Mitaquer tornou de là dentro, & trouxe comsigo quatro moços pequenos muyto fermosos, vestidos em hũas marlotas compridas de giroẽs verdes & brancos, & suas xorcas douro nos peis, aos quais toda a gente se leuãtou em pé, & tirando os treçados que tinhão nas cintas os puseraõ no chaõ, com hũa noua cerimonia de cortesia que nos pareceo muyto bem, dizẽdo por tres vezes, faly hincane midoo patinau dacorem, que quer dizer, cem mil annos viua o senhor de nossas cabeças.

we perceived the Mitaquer coming forth with four very beautiful boys, attired in long coats after the Turkish fashion, garded all over with green and white, and wearing about the small of their legs little hoops of gold in the form of irons and shackles. The Gentlemen that were present, as soon as they saw them rose up on their feet, and drawing out their Courtelasses, which they wore by their sides, they laid them on the ground with a new kind of ceremony, saying three times, Let the Lord of our heads live an hundred thousand years.


E estando nòs todos ja neste tempo prostrados por terra, cos rostos no chão, hum dos moços nos disse com voz isenta & bem entoada, alegrayuos homens do cabo do mundo por ser chegada a hora de vosso desejo, em que vos serà concedida a liberdade que o Mitaquer que aquy está vos prometeo no castello de Nixiancoo, erguey vossas cabeças do chão, & leuãtay as mãos ao Ceo, dando muytas graças ao Senhor que esmaltou as estrellas na noite quieta de nosso descãço, pois permitio por sy só, sem merecimento de carne nenhũa, auer neste desterro quem em seu nome libertasse vossas pessoas, a que todos assi como estauamos prostrados no chaõ dissemos pelo dito do lingoa que nos insinaua, chegue a nossa ventura a seu pe trilhar nossas cabeças, a que os moços respõderaõ, concedauos o senhor esse dom de riqueza.

In the mean while as we lay with our heads bending to the ground, one of those boys said aloud unto us; You men of the other end of the World, rejoyce now, for that the hour is come, wherein your desire is to be accomplished, and that you are to have the liberty, which the Mitaquer promised you at the castle of Nixiamcoo, wherefore arise from off the earth, and lift up your hands to Heaven, rendring thanks unto the Lord, who during the night of our peaceable rest, enammels the Firmament with Stars, seeing that of himself alone, without the merit of any flesh, he hath made you to encounter in your exile with a man that delivers your persons. To this Speech, prostrated as we were on the ground, we returned him this answer by our truch-man, May Heavens grant us so much happiness, as that his foot may trample on our heads; whereunto he replied, Your wish is not small, and may it please God to accord you this gift of riches.


Do mais que vimos atè chegarmos onde el Rey dos Tartaros estaua, & do que passamos com elle.


Estes quatro moços & o Mitaquer que era o que nos guiaua, passaraõ daquy por hum corredor armado sobre vinte & seis colunas de bronzo, & delle entramos em hũa grande sala de madeyra como terecena, na qual estaua muyta gente nobre, em que auia alguns estrangeyros Mogores & Persios, Berdios, Calaminhãs, & Bramaas do Sornau Rey de Sião.

These four boys, and the Mitaquer, whom we followed, past through a Gallery, erected upon five and twenty pillars of brass, and entred into a great room, where there were a number ot Gentlemen, and amongst them many strangers, Mogores, Persians, Bordies, Calaminhams, and Bramaas.


E passada esta casa, em que não ouue detença de cerimonia nenhũa, chegamos a outra que se chamaua Tigihipau, na qual tambem auia outra grande soma de gente, porem esta estaua armada, & toda em pé, a qual posta em cinco fileyras tomaua todo o comprimento da casa, & toda esta gente tinha seus treçados guarnecidos de chaparia douro postos ás costas.

After we were out of this room, we came unto another, where there were many armed men, ranged into five Files all along the room, with Courtelasses on their shoulders, that were garnished with gold.


Aquy detiueraõ o Mitaquer hum pouco, fazendolhe com muytas cerimonias algũas preguntas, & dandolhe juramento sobre as maças que os quatro moços leuauão, o qual elle tomou em joelhos, beijando o chaõ por tres vezes.

These stayed the Mitaquer a little, and with great complements asked him dome questions, and took his oath upon the Maces the boys carried, which he performed on his knees, kissing the ground three several times,


E com isto lhe deraõ entrada por outra porta que estaua defronte, & chegamos a hum grande terreyro feyto em quadra como crasta de conuento, no qual estauão quatro fileyras de estatuas de bronzo em figura de homens a modo de saluagens com maças, & coroas do mesmo, porem tudo cozido em ouro, os quais idolos, ou gigantes, ou o que quer que eraõ, tinhão daltura vinte & sete palmos, & seys de largo nos peytos, eraõ nos sembrantes assaz feyos & malassombrados, co cabello crespo, & feito em grenhas a modo de cafres, & pregũtando nòs aos Tartaros pela significação daquellas figuras, nos disseraõ que eraõ os trezẽtos & sessenta deoses que fizeraõ os dias do anno, paraque em todos elles a gente continuamente os venerasse pelo beneficio da criação dos fruytos que nelles a terra produze, os quais o Rey Tartaro aly trouxera de hum grande templo chamado Angicamoy que tomara na cidade Xipatom na capella dos jazigos dos Reys da China para triumphar delles quando se embora tomasse para sua terra, por que se soubesse por todo o mundo que a pesar do Rey da China lhe catiuara os seus deoses.

whereupon he was admitted to pass on into a great place, like a quadrangle; there we saw four ranks of Statues of brass, in the form of wild men, with clubs and crowns of the same mettal guilt: These Idols or Gyants, were each of them six and twenty spans high, and six broad, as well on the brest, as on the shoulders; their countenances were hideous and deformed, and their hair curled like to Negroes. The desire we had to know what these figures signified, made us to demand it of the Tartars, who answered us, that they were the three hundred and threescore gods, which framed the days of the year, being placed there expresly, to the end that in their effigies they might be continually adored, for having created the fruits which the earth produceth; and withall that the King of Tartary had caused them to be transported thither from a great Temple, called Angicamoy, which he had taken in the City of Xipaton, out of the Chappel of the Tombs of the Kings of China, for to triumph over them, when as he should happily return into his Country, that the whole world might know how in despight of the King of China he had captivated his gods.


Neste terreyro que digo entre hum laranjal que no meyo delle estaua, cercado de hũa latada de era, & alecrim, & roseyras, com outras muytas diuersidades de eruas & flores que não ha nesta nossa Europa, estaua hũa fantastica tenda armada sobre doze balaustres de pao de canfora, enxerido cada hum delles em quatro troços de prata a modo de cordoẽs de frades, mais grossos que hum braço,

Within this place, whereof I speak, and admidst a plantation of Orange-trees, that was invironed within a fence of Ivy, Roses, Rosemary, and many other sort of flowers, which we have not in Europe, was a Tent pitched upon twelve Ballisters of the wood of Champhire, each of them wreathed about with silver in the fashion of knotted card-work, bigger then ones arm.


dentro da qual tenda estaua hũa tribuna rasa a modo de altar, guarnecida toda em roda de folhagem de ouro muyto fino, com hum guardapoo por cima a modo de sobreceo, marchetado de muytas estrellas de prata, & co Sol, & Lũa, & algũas nuuẽs, hũas brancas, & outras da cor daquellas que apparecem quando choue, todas feitas de esmalte, com tanto artificio, & tanto ao natural, que quasi se enganauão os olhos com ellas, parecendolhe que trazião agoa, & tudo o mais muyto perfeito, assi na proporçaõ como na pintura.

In this Tent was a low Throne in the form of an Altar, garnished with branched work of fine gold, and over it was a cloth of State, set thick with silver Stars; where also the Sun and Moon were to be seen, as also certain clouds, some of them white, and others of the colour of which appear in the time of rain, all enammelled so to the life, and with such art, that they beguiled all those that beheld them, for they seemed to rain indeed, so as it was impossible to see a thing more compleat, either for the proportions of colours.


No meyo desta tribuna estaua hũa grande estatua de prata deitada em hum leyto do mesmo, que se chamaua Abicau nilancor, que quer dizer, deos da saude dos Reys, que tãbem se tomara no templo de Angicamoy de que atraz fiz menção, & ao redor desta estatua estauão trinta & quatro idolos, do tamanho de meninos de cinco até seis annos, postos todos por duas fileytas em joelhos, & com ambas as mãos leuantadas para ella como que a venerauão, & logo â entrada da tenda estauão quatro moços muyto gentishomens, & ricamente vestidos, que com seus encensarios a rodeauão por fora de dous em dous, os quais ao som de certas pancadas que se dauão em hum sino se prostrauão por terra, & se encensauão hũs aos outros, dizẽdo em voz alta, como quem canta entoado,

In the midst of this Throne upon a bed lay a great Statue of silver called Abicau Nilancor, which signifies, the God of the health of Kings, that had been also taken in the Temple of Angicamoy. Now round about the same Statue were four and thirty Idols of the height of a child of five or six years old, ranged in two Files, and set on their knees, with their hands lifted up towards this Idol, as if they would adore him. At the entry into this Tent there were four young Gentlemen richly clad, who with each of them a Censer in his hand, went two and two about, then at the sound of a bell prostrated themselves on the ground, and censed one another, saying with a loud voice,


Hixapu alitau xucabim tamy tamy ora pani maguo, que quer dizer, chegue a ty nosso brado assi como cheyro suaue, porque nos ouças.

Let our cry come unto thee as a sweet perfume, to the end thou mayest hear us.


Em guarda desta tenda estauão sessenta alabardeyros que afastados hum pouco della a cercauão toda em roda, os quais estauão vestidos de couro verde escodado, cõ suas celadas ricas & bem lauradas nas cabeças, o que tudo junto era hum espectaculo assaz fermoso & de grãde mugestade.

For the Guard of of this Tent, there were threescore Halberdiers, who at a little distance invironed it all about. They were clothed with guilt leather, and had Murrians on their heads curiously engraven; all which were very agreeable and majestical objects.


Passado este terreyro entramos noutro aposento em que auia quatro casas muyto ricas & bem cõcertadas, nas quais estaua muyta gẽte nobre, assi de naturais como de estrangeyros.

Out of this place we entred into another division, where there were four Chambers very rich and well furnished, in the which were many Gentlemen, as well strangers as Tartars.


Daquy passando mais adiãte, seguindo o Mitaquer & os quatro moços, chegamos á porta de hũa grande sala terrea, fabricada ao modo de igreija, na qual estauão seys porteyros de maças, que com hũa noua cerimonia que tiueraõ co Mitaquer, nos meterão a todos dentro, sem darem entrada a outra nenhũa pessoa.

From thence passing on whith the Mitaquer, and the young boys conducted us, we arrived at the door of a great low room, in form like to a Church, where stood six Ushers with their Maces, who with a new complement to the Mitaquer caused us to enter, but kept out all others.


Nesta casa estaua este Rey Tartaro acompanhado de muytos principes & senhores, & capitaẽs naturais & estrangeyros, entre os quais estauão os Reys de Pafua, Mecuy, Capimper, & Raja Benão, & o Anchesacotay, & outros Reys mais, que por todos fazião o numero de quatorze, os quais vestidos de vestiduras ricas, & de festa, estauão todos assentados ao pé da tribuna, afastados della dous ou tres passos:

In this room was the King of Tartaria, accompanied with many Princes, Lords, and Captains, amongst whom were the Kings of Pafua, Mecuy, Capinper, Raina Benan, Anchesacotay, and others to the number of fourteen, who in rich attire were all seated some three or four paces from the foot of the Tribunal.


& ao longo della hum pouco mais afastadas estauão trinta & duas molheres muyto fermosas, que tangendo em differentes estromentos, fazião hũa musica muyto para folgar de ouuir.

A little more on the one side were two and thirty very fair women, who playing upon divers instruments of music, made a wonderful sweet Consort.


A pessoa del Rey estaua encima no piambre, que era a tribuna, cercado de doze meninos que ao redor delle estauão em joelhos, com suas maças douro pequenas a modo de cetros, postas aos ombros, logo mais atrás estaua hũa moça muyto fermosa, & muyto ricamente vestida, que com hum abano o abanaua de quando em quando, a qual era irmam do Mitaquer nosso general, & muyto aceyta a el Rey, por cujo meyo elle tinha tamanha valia & tamanho nome em todo o exercito.

The King was set on his Throne under a rich Cloth of State, and had about him twelve young boys kneeling on their knees, with little Maces of gold like Scepters, which they carried on their shoulders; close behind him was a young Lady extreamly beautiful, and wonderfully richly attired, with a Ventiloe in her hand, wherewith she eever and anon fanned him. This same was the sister of the Mitaquer our General, and infinitely beloved of the King, for whose sake therefore it was that he was in such credit and reputation throughout the whole Army:


El Rey seria de idade de quarenta annos, de estatura comprida, & de poucas carnes, & bem assombrado, tinha a barba curta, & com bigodes à Turquesca, os olhos algum tanto achinados, de aspeito seuero & graue, vestido em hum quimão roxo a modo de opa, recamado de perolas, & nos peis hũas alparcas verdes, lauradas de ouro de canutilho guarnecidas das mesmos perolas, & na cabeça hũa celada de citim roxo, com hũa borda de diamantes & rubins entressachados huns pelos outros.

The King was much about forty years of age, full stature, somewhat l[e]an and of good aspect; His beard was very short, his Mustaches after the Turkish manner, his eyes like to the Chineses, and his countenance severe and majestical; As for his vesture it was violet colour, in fashion like to a Turkish Robe imbroydered with pearl, upon his feet he had green Sandals wrought all over with gold purl, and great pearls among it, and on his head a sattin cap of the colour of his habit, with a rich band of diamonds and rubies intermingled together:


Antes de chegarmos a elle dez ou doze passos, fizemos nossa cortesia, beijando o chaõ tres vezes com outras cerimonias que os interpretes nos insinauão.

Before we past any farther, after we had gone ten or eleven steps in the room, we made our complement by kissing of the ground three several times, and performing other ceremonies, which the Truch-men taught us:


El Rey mandou então que cessasse a musica dos estromentos, & disse ao Mitaquer, pregunta a essa gente do cabo do mundo se tem Rey, & como se chama a sua terra, & que distancia auerá della a esta do Chim em que agora estou, a que hum da nossa companhia em nome de todos respondeo, que a nossa terra se chamaua Portugal, cujo Rey era muyto grande, poderoso, & rico, & que della a aquella cidade do Pequim aueria distancia de quasi tres annos de caminho, de que elle fez hum grande espanto como homem que não tinha esta maquina do mundo por tamanha, & batendo tres vezes na coxa com hũa varinha que tinha na mão, & os olhos postos no Ceo como que daua graças a Deos, disse alto que todos o ouuirão,

In the meantime the King commanded the musick to cease, and addressing himself to the Mitaquer; Ask these men of the other end of the world, said he unto him, whether they have a King, what is the name of their Country, and how far distant it is from this Kingdom of China where now I am? Thereupon one of ours speaking for all the rest, answered; That our Country was called Portugal, that the King thereof was exceeding rich and mighty, and that from thence to the City of Pequin was at the least three years voyage. This answer much amazed the King, because he did not think the world had been so large, so that striking his thigh with a wand that he had in his hand, and lifting up his eyes to Heaven, as though he would render thanks unto God; he said aloud, so as every one might hear him:


Iulicauão julicauão minaydotoreu pisinão himacor dauulquitaroo xinapoco nifando hoperau vuxido vultanitirau companoo foragrem hupuchiday purpuponi hincau, que quer dizer, ò criador, ò criador de todas as cousas qual de nós outros pobres formigas da terra poderâ comprender as marauilhas da tua grandeza?

O Creator of all things; are we able to comprehend the marvels of thy greatness, we that at the best are but poor worms of the earth?


fuxiquidane, fuxiquidane, venhão cà, venhão câ,

Fuxiquidane, fuxiquidane, let them approach, let them approach.


& acenando com a mão nos fez chegar até os primeyros degraos da tribuna onde os quatorze Reys estauão assentados, & nos tornou a preguntar como homẽ espantado do que tinha ouuido, pucau, pucau? que quer dizer quanto? quanto?

Thereupon beckening to us with his hand, he caused us to come even to the first degree of the Throne, where the fourteen Kings sat, and demanded of him again, as a man astonished, Pucau, pucau, that is to say, how far, how far?


a que respondemos o mesmo de antes, que quasi tres annos de caminho, a que elle tornou a dizer, que porque não vinhamos antes por terra que auenturarmonos aos trabalhos do mar? a que se respondeo que por a terra ser muyto grande, & auer nella Reys de diuersas naçoẽs que o não consintirião, a que elle tornou, que he o que vindes buscar a essoutra, porque vos auenturais a tamanhos trabalhos?

where unto he answered as before, that we should be at least three years in returning to our Country. Then he asked why we came not rather by Land, then by Sea, where so many labours and dangers were to be undergon? Thereunto he replyed, that there was too great an extent of land, through which we were not assured to pass, for that it was commanded by Kings of several nations. What come you to seek for then, added the King, and wherefore do you expose yourselves to such dangers?


& declarandolhe então a razão disto pelas melhores & melhor enfeitadas palauras que então o correrão, esteue hum pouco suspenso, & bulindo tres ou quatro vezes com a cabeça disse, para hũ homem velho que estaua junto delle, conquistar esta gẽte terra tão alongada da sua patria, dâ claramente a entender que deue de auer entre elles muyta cubiça & pouca justiça, a que o velho, que se chamaua Raja Benão, respondeo, assi parece que deue ser, porque homẽs que por industria & engenho voão por cima das agoas todas, por aquirirem o que Deos lhes não deu, ou a pobreza nelles he tanta que de todo lhes faz esquecer a sua patria, ou a vaydade, & a cegueyra que lhes causa a sua cobiça he tamanha que por ella negão a Deos, & a seus pays.

Then having tendred him a reason to his last demand with all the submission that might be, he stayed a prety while without speaking, and then shaking his head three or four times, he addressed himself to an old man that was not far from him, and said, Certainly we must needs conclude, that there is either much ambition, or little justice in the Country of these people, seeing they come so far to conquer other Lands. To this Speech the old man, named Raia Benan, made no other answer but that it must needs be so, for men, said he, who have recourse unto their industry and invention to run over the Sea for to get that which God hath not given them, are necessarily carried thereunto, either by extream poverty, or by an excess of blindness and vanity, derived from much covetousness, which is the cause why they renounce God, and those that brought them into the world.


Da qual reposta algũs dos que estauão presentes, segundo delles infirimos, motejaraõ algum tanto com alguns ditos cortesaõs & galantes, de que el Rey gostaua muyto.

This reply of the old man was seconded with many jeering words by the other Courtiers, who made great sport upon this occasion, that very much pleased the King,


Então tornarão as molheres a tocar seus estromẽtos, em que se gastou mais algũ pouco espaço, & el Rey se recolheo para outra casa só com as molheres que tangião, & com a moça que o auanaua, sem nesta volta entrar homem nenhum.

in the mean tirme the women fell to their musick again, and so continued, till the King withdrew into another Chamber in the company of these fair Musicians, and that young Lady which fanned him, not so much as one of those great Personages, daring to enter besides;


E chegando hum dos doze meninos que trazião os cetros ao Mitaquer, lhe disse da parte de sua irmam que el Rey lhe mãdaua que se não fosse, o que elle teue por honra muyto grande, por lhe ser dado o recado perãte aquelles Reys & senhores que estauão na casa.

Not long after one of those twelve boys, that carried the Scepters before mentioned, came to the Mitaquer, and told him from his sister, that the King commanded him not to depart away, which he held for a singular favour, by reason this message was delivered to him in the presence of those Kings and Lords that were in the room,


E com isto se ficou aly, & nos mandou que nos fossemos para a nossa tenda, porque elle teria cuydado de fazer lembrança de nós ao filho do Sol.

so that he stirred not, but sent us word, that we should go unto our tent with this assurance, that he would take care the Son of the Sun should be mindful of us.


 Como este Rey Tartaro leuantou o cerco que tinha posto â cidade do Pequim, & se foy para sua terra, & do que fez atè chegar a ella.

The King of Tartaria’s raising of his Siege from before Pequin, for to return into his Country, and that which passed until his Arrival there.


Avendo ja quarenta & tres dias que eramos chegados a este arrayal, dentro dos quais ouue algũs combates & escaramuças entre os cercadores & os cercados, & dous assaltos a escala vista, a que os de dentro resistiraõ valerosamente, como homẽs determinados,

We had been now full three and forty dayes in this Camp, during which time there past many fights and skirmishes between the besiegers and the besieged, as also two assaults in the open day which were resisted by them within an invincible courage like resolute men as they were;


vendo este Rey Tartaro quanto ao reués do que cuydara lhe tinha socedido aquella empresa, em que tinha gastado tanto de sua fazenda, pòs o negocio em conselho geral, para o qual foraõ juntos todos os vinte & sete Reys que aly tinha comsigo, & muytos principes & senhores, com a mayor parte dos Capitaẽs, & nelle se assentou que visto ser ja entrada de inuerno, & os campos começarem ja de se alagar, & as agoas dambos os rios virem com tãto impeto & força que lhe tinhão ja desfeito a mayor parte dos vallos & tranqueyras de todo o arrayal, & juntamẽte serlhe ja morta muyta gente de doença, & ella yr em tanto crecimento, que não auia dia em que naõ morressem quatro & cinco mil homens, & a falta dos mantimentos ser tamanha, que os Capitaẽs não podião sustentar as mesas, nem os cauallos, que de reção para isso lhes dauão, erão bastantes para a menor parte da gente baixa, lhe era forçado leuantar o cerco, & yrse antes que de todo entrasse o inuerno, porque se esperasse aly mais, corria risco de se perder.

In the mean time the King of Tartaria, seeing how contrary to his hope so great an enterprise had been, wherein he had consumed so much treasure, caused his Councel of War to be assembled, in the which were present the seven and twenty Kings that accompanied him, and likewise many Princes, and Lords, and the most part of the chief Commanders of the Army: In this Councel it was resolved, that in regard Winter was at hand, and that the rivers had already overflowed their banks with such force and violence, as they had ravaged and carried away most of the Trenches and Pallisadoes of the Camp, and that moreover great numbers of the souldiers died daily of sickness, and for want of victuals, that therefore the King could not do better then to raise his Siege, and be gone before Winter came, for fear lest staying longer, he should run the hazard of losing himself, and his Army:


Estas razoẽs ouue el Rey por boas, & determinou de fazer o que lhe aconselhauão, inda que era muyto contra sua vontade, por entender que era assi necessario.

All these reasons seemed so good to the King, that without further delay he resolved to follow this counsel, and to obey the present necessity, though it were to his great grief,


E mandou logo embarcar toda a gente de pé, com todas as muniçoẽs que auia no campo, & dar fogo ao arrayal: & elle se partio por terra com sós trezentos mil de cauallo, & vinte mil badas.

so that incontinently he caused all his Infantry and Ammunition to be imbarqued, then having commanded his Camp to be set on fire, he himself went away by Land with three hundred thousand Horse, and twenty thousand Rhinocerots:


E feita a conta de toda a gente que era morta, se achou pelas listas dos Capitaẽs, que eraõ quatrocentos & cinquenta mil homẽs, de que a mayor parte morrera de doença, & trezentos mil cauallos, & sessenta mil badas, que se comerão em dous meses & meyo que tiuerão de esterilidade. De maneira que de hũ cõto & oitocentos mil homẽs com que partio do seu reyno para cercar esta cidade do Pequim, sobre a qual esteue seis meses & meyo, leuou menos setecentos & cinquenta mil, os quatrocentos & cinquenta mil que morreraõ de peste, fome, & guerra, & trezentos mil que se lançaraõ cos Chins pelo grande soldo que por isso lhes dauão, a fora outras muytas ventagẽs de honras & merces de dinheyro que lhe fazião continuamente.

Now after they had taken an account of all the dead, they appeared to be four hundred and fifty thousand, the most of whom died of sickness, as also an hundred thousand Horses, and threescore thousand Rhinocerots, which were eaten in the space of two months and an half, wherein they wanted victual, so that of eighteen hundred thousand men wherewith the King of Tartaria came out of his Country to besiege the City of Pequim, before the which he lay six months and an half, he carried home some seven hundred and fifty thousand less then he brought forth, whereof four and fifty thousand died of sickness, famine, and war, and three hundred thousand went and rendred themselves unto the Chineses, drawn thereunto by the great pay which they gave them, and other advantages of honour and presents which they continually bestowed on them;


E não he isto muyto de espantar, porque a experiencia nos tem mostrado que isto só tem muyto mais força, que todas as outras cousas quantas câ na terra podem obrigar os homẽs.

whereat we are not to marvel, seeing experience doth shew, how that alone is of far more power to oblige men, then all other things in the world.


Partido este Rey Tartaro desta cidade do Pequim hũa segũda feyra dezasete dias do mes de Outubro, com sos trezentos mil de cauallo (como atras disse) dos seiscentos mil, que trouxera comsigo, esse mesmo dia ja quasi noite se foy alojar a hũa ribeira que se chamaua Quaytragum, & ao outro dia hũa hora ante menhã, tocando muytos tãbores & pifaros, & outras muytas diuersidades de instrumẽtos guerreyros ao seu modo, o campo foy posto na ordenança que lhe era dada, mandando diante seus atalayas, & corredores, & ordenando Capitaens da vanguardia, & teuguauxés, que he outro modo de força que elles custumão leuar detras de toda a bagage, & gente de seruiço, com que o campo caminha muyto mais seguro do que se custuma entre nòs, & marchãdo com esta ordenança, chegou ja quasi á vespera a hũa cidade que se chamaua Guijampee, a qual achou de todo despejada, & como a gente repousou hũa hora & meya, que era o que tinha por regimento, se leuantou daly o campo, & tornou a marchar com passo cheyo, & se foy alojar ao pé de hũa grande serra que se dezia Liampeu, donde tambem se abalou logo no quarto dalua.

After the King of Tartaria was gone from this City of Pequin, upon a Munday, the seventeenth of October, with three hundred thousand horse, as I have related before, the same day about evening he went and lodged near to a river, called Quaytragun, and the next morning an hour before day the Army began to march at the sound of the Drums, Fifes, and other instruments of war, according to the order prescribed them; In this manner he arrived a little before night at a Town, named Guiiampea, which he found altogether depopulated: After his Army had reposed thereabout an hour and an half, he set forth again, and marching somewhat fast he came to lodg at the foot of a great mountain, called Liampeu, from whence he departed towards morning.


Com esta ordem caminhou dezassete dias a oito legoas por dia, & no cabo delles chegou a hũa boa cidade por nome Guauxitim, de dez ou doze mil vezinhos, na qual foy aconselhado que se prouesse de mantimentos, por que ja então hia muyto falto delles.

Thus marched he eight leagues a day for fourteen days together, at the end whereof he arrived at a good Town, named Guauxitim, which might contain about eleven or twelve thousand fires; There he was counselled to furnish himself with victuals, whereof he had great need,


E para isto se cometeo a cidade toda em roda a escalla vista, & achando nella fraca resistencia, em pequeno espaço çoy entrada & metida a saco, com hum cruel estrago dos miseraueis moradores della, de que nos os noue companheyros andauamos como pasmados.

for which purpose therefore he begirt it round, and skaling it in the open day, he quickly made himself Master of it, and put it to the sack with so cruel a Masacre of the inhabitants, as my fellows and I were ready to swoond for very astonishment:


E despois de tudo ser consumido & posto por terra, assi com ferro como com fogo, & o arrayal largamente prouido de muytos & bons mantimentos, se partio hũa hora ante menham.

Now after that the wood and fire had consumed all things, and that the Army was abundantly provided of ammunition and victual, he departed at the break of day;


E ao outro dia passando â vista da cidade de Caixiloo, a não quiz cometer, por ser grande & forte, assi por sitio & fortificação, como por ter sabido que estauão dentro nella cinquenta mil homens, em que entrauão dez mil Mogores, & Cauchins, & Champaas, gente mais determinada & pratica na guerra que a da China.

and though he past the next morning in the view of Caixiloo, yet would not attaque it, for that it was a great and atrong Town, and by scituation impregnable, having heard besides that there were fifty thousand men within it, whereof ten thousand were Mogors, Cauchins, and Champaas, resolute souldiers, and much more warlike then the Chineses.


Passando daquy para diante chegou aos muros de Singrachirau, que saõ os de que atras disse que diuidem estes dous imperios da China & da Tartaria, & não achando nelles resistencia algũa se foy alojar da outra banda em Pamquinor, que era a primeyra cidade sua, que estaua tres legoas deste muro de Singrachirau, & ao outro dia chegou a Xipator onde despidio a mayor parte da gente.

From thence passing on he arrived at the walls of Singrachirau, which are the very same, that, as I have said heretofore, do divide those two Empires of China and Tartaria; There meeting with no resistance he went and lodged on the further side of it at Panquinor, which was the first of his own Towns, and seated some three leagues from the said wall, and the next day he marched to Psipator, where he dismissed the most part of his people.


E não se detendo aquy mais que sos sete dias em que acabou de negocear satisfaçoẽs & pagas de soldos, & execuçoẽs de justiça em alguns que trazia presos, se embarcou aforrado, como homem não muyto contente, & se foy na via de Lançame sem leuar mais companhia que sós cento & vinte laulees de remo, em que podião yr até dez ou doze mil homẽs, nas quais daly a seis dias chegou a cidade de Lançame, onde sem querer que se lhe fizesse recebimento ou festa algũa desembarcou cõ duas horas de noite.

In this place he stayed not above seven days, which he spent in providing pay for his souldiers, and in the execution of certain prisoners he had taken in that war, and brought along with him: These things thus expedited, he, as a man not very well pleased, imbarqued himself for Lançame, in sixscore Lanlees, with no more then ten or eleven thousand men: So in six dayes after his imbarquing, he arrived at Lançame, where not permitting any reception to be made him he landed about two hours within night.


Como este Rey Tartaro se passou desta cidade de Lançame para a de Tuymicão, onde foy visitado de muytos principes pessoalmente, & de outros por seus embaixadores.


El Rey se deteue nesta cidade de Lançame até que chegou toda a sua gente, assi de pé como de cauallo, que foy espaço de vinte & seis dias.

The King abode in this City of Lançame until such time as all his forces, as well horse as foot, were arrived there, which was within six and twenty days,


E despois de a ter toda recolhida, se passou para outra cidade muyto mayor & muyto mais nobre, que se chamaua Tuymicão, onde foy visitado pessoalmente de algũs principes seus comarcãos, & por embaixadores o foy tambem doutros Reys & senhores de mais longe, de que os principaes forão seis assaz grandes & poderosos, quais forão o Xatamaas Rey dos Persas, o Siammom Emperador dos Gueos, que confina por dentro deste sertão co Bramaa do Tanguu, o Calaminhan senhor da força bruta dos elifantes da terra, como ao diante direy quando tratar delle, & do seu senhorio, o Sornau de Odiaa, que se intitula Rey de Sião, cujo senhorio cõfina por distãcia de setecentas legoas de costa, como he de Tanauçarim a Champaa cos Malayos & Berdios & Patanes, & pelo sertaõ, co Passiloco & Capimper, & Chiammay, & Lauhos, & Gueos, de maneyra que este somente tem dezassete reynos em seu senhorio, o qual entre esta gentilidade toda se intitula por grao mais supremo, senhor do elifante branco, outro era o Rey dos Mogores, cujo reyno & senhorio jaz por dentro do sertão entre o Coraçone que he jũto da Persia, & o reyno do Dely & Chitor,

then having all his Army together, he went on to another City far greater and fairer, called Tuymicoa, where he was visited by some Princes his Neighbours, and by the Ambassadors of many other Kings and Soveraigns of more remoter Countrys, of which the chiefest were six great and mighty Monarchs, namely Xataanas the Sophy of Persia; Siamon Emperour of the Gueos, whose Country borders on that of Bramaa, and Tanguu; the Calaminham, Lord of the indomptable force of the Elephant of the Earth, as I shall deliver hereafter, when I come to treat of him and his State; the Sournau of Odiaa, that names himself the King of Siam, whose dominion runs seven hundred leagues along the coast with that of Tanauserin, and on Champaa side with the Malayos, Berdios, and Patanes, and through the heart of the Country with Passioloqua, Capioper, and Chiammay, as also with the Lauhos, and Gueos, so that this Prince alone hath seventeen Kingdoms within his State, by reason whereof, for to make himself the more redoubted amongst the Gentiles, he causeth himself to be stiled, The Lord of the White Elephant; the fifth was the great Mogor, whose State is within the heart of the Country, near to the Corazones, a Province bordering upon Persiu, and the Kingdom of Dely, and Chitor;


& hum Emperador que se chamaua o Carão, cujo senhorio, segũdo aquy soubemos, confina por dentro dos montes de Goncalidau em sessenta graos auante, com hũa gente a que os naturaes da terra chamão Moscoby, da qual gente vimos alguns homens aquy nesta cidade, que saõ ruyuos, & de estatura grande, vestidos de calçoẽs, roupetas & chapeos ao modo que nesta terra vemos vsar os Framengos & os Tudescos, & os mais honrados trazião roupoẽs forrados de pelles, & algũs de boas martas, trazião espadas largas & grandes, & na lingoagem que fallauão lhe notamos algũs vocablos Latinos, & quando espirrauão dezião tres vezes dominus, dominus, dominus. Porem o mais, segundo que nelles notamos, tinha mais apparencia de idolatria & gentilidade que de verdadeyra religião, & sobre tudo eraõ muyto dados â torpeza nefanda.

and the last an Emperour of a Country, named Caran, as we were informed there, the bounds of whose Soveraignty are at the Mountains of Goncalidau, sixty degrees further on, where a certain people live, whom they of the Country call Moscovites, whereof we have some in this City, which were fair of complection, well shapen, and apparelled with Breeches, Cassocks, and Hats, like to the Flemings which we see in Europe, the chiefest of them wearing Gowns lined with Sables, and the rest with ordinary furs.


Ao embaixador deste principe Carão se fez muyto mais auantajado recebimento que a todos os outros: este trazia comsigo cento & vinte homẽs de guarda de flechas & panouras tauxiadas douro & prata, vestidos todos de couro escodado roxo & verde, & doze porteyros a cauallo com maças de prata, & doze quartaos a destro, todos com guarniçoẽs cramesins guarnecidas por cima de rendas de ouro & prata, entressachadas hũas pelas outras, & doze homens agigantados de estaturas muyto desacustumadas de grandes vestidos, como se pintão os saluagẽs, de pelles de tigres, cõ cada hum seu grãde libreo, presos todos com cadeas de prata, & todos cõ seus açamos do mesmo com muytas campainhas tambem de prata por elles a modo de beçais do cauallos, os quais açamos, que elles trazião para não morderem, se fechauão nuns arganeis de latão, com seus copos dourados como de brida,

The Ambassador of this Emperor of Caran, was more remarkable in his entry, then all the rest: He had for his Guard about sixscore men, armed with arrows, and Partisans damasked with gold and silver, and all attired alike in violet and green; After them marched on horsback twelve Ushers, carrying silver Maces, before whom twelve horses were led, that had carnation clothes on them, bordered about with gold and silver; They were followed by twelve huge tall men, that seemed to be Giants, clothed with Tygers skins as wild men are used to be painted of them holding in his hand a great Greyhound by a silver chain;


& doze moços pequenos em facas brancas selladas à estardiota, cõ sellas de veludo verde, cõ hũas redes de prata por cima; & elles vestidos todos de hũa maneyra, cõ roupas curtas de citim roxo forradas de martas, & calças & chapeos do mesmo & cadeas douro a tiracolo de fuzis muito grossos, os quais doze moços eraõ todos iguais, & os mais fermosos dos rostos, & bẽ despostos dos corpos, & bem proporcionados dos membros que vy em minha vida, porque em nenhum delles auia qualquer defeito da natureza em que se lhe pudesse pòr tacha, & nenhũa outra mais gente de cauallo trazia cõsigo que fosse sua.

Then appeared twelve little Pages, mounted on white Hackneys, having green velvet Saddles, trimmed with silver lace and frenge, they were all apparelled alike in crimson sattin Cassocks, lined with marterns, breeches, and hats of the same, and great chains of gold scarf-wise about them; These twelve boys were all of one equal stature, so fair of face, so well favoured, and of so sweet a proportion of body, as I believe there have never been any seen more accomplished:


Elle vinha num carro de tres rodas por bãda todo guarnecido de prata, com hũa cadeyra do mesmo em que hia assentado, & em torno deste pirange, (porque assi se chamaua) vinhaõ quarenta homens da estribeyra muyto bem vestidos cõ couras & calças de panno verde & roxo em enxadrez, com rendas de seda vermelha, & çapatos abrochados quasi â Portuguesa antiga, & espadas de mais de tres dedos de largo, com cabos & punhos & conteyras de prata, & suas cornetas de monte postas a tiracollo em cadeas tambem de prata, & nas cabeças hũas celadas a modo de gualteyras cõ muytas plumas nellas, guarnecidas de muyta soma de argentaria, de maneyra que o estado & apparato deste embaixador, que se chamaua Leixigau, era de tanta grandeza & magestade, que logo por elle se julgaua ser de principe muyto poderoso & rico.

For himself, he was seated in a Chariot with three wheels on each side, garnished all over with silver; Round about this Pirange, (for so was this Chariot called) there were forty foot-men jerkins, and breeches of green and red cloth, laced all over with carnation silk lace, having swords by their side above three fingers broad, with the hilts, handles, and chaps of silver, and hunting horns hanging in silver chains, bandrick-wise about them, and on their heads they wore caps, with feathers in them full of silver spangles: Thus was the equipage of this Ambassador so sumptuous and slately, that one might very well conclude he belonged to some very rich and mighty Prince.


Nas casas em que este pousaua (que hum dia fomos ver em companhia do Mitaquer que o foy visitar da parte del Rey) entre algũas cousas que vimos, & muyto notamos por nouidade mais admirauel que todas naquella terra, foraõ cinco casas armadas de tapeçaria de raas, muyto rica, da maneyra desta que entre nós se vsa, por onde parece que onde se faz a que vem a este reyno, se faz tambem aquella de que esta gente se serue, & em cada casa destas cinco estaua hum dosel de brocado, & debaixo delle hũa mesa com hum prato & hum gumil de prata de muyto custoso feitio, com hũa cadeyra de estado cramesim, franjada douro & roxo, & hũa almofada do mesmo aos peis, & em partes alcatifada de grandes tapetes, & hum braseyro de prata com hũa caçoula do mesmo nelle, que lãçaua de sy cheyro suauissimo.

Now going one day as attendants on the Mitaquer, who went to visit him from the King, amongst other things that we saw in his lodging, we observed there for one of the greatest rarities in that Country, five Chambers hung all with very rich Arras, such as we have in Christendom; and no question brought from thence: In each of these Chambers was a Cloth of State of gold or silver tinsel, and under it a Table with a Bason and Ewer of silver of a very costly fashion; also a Chair of State of rich violet stuff trimmed with gold frenge, and at the foot of it a Cushion of the same, all upon an exceeding large foot-pace of tapestry; There was also a chafingdish of silver, with a perfuming pot of the same, out ot the which proceeded a most delicate odour;


A porta de cada hũa destas cinco casas estauão dous alabardeyros que não tolhião a entrada a nenhũa pessoa nobre que a quisesse ver.

At the door of each of those five Chambers stood two Halberdiers, who permitted persons of quality to enter that came thither to see them;


Noutra sala muyto grande, que a modo de varãda tomaua toda a frontaria da rua, tambem armada pelo teor destoutras casas, estaua sobre hum estrado alto posta hũa mesa ao nosso modo, com toalhas adamascadas, & outra sobretoalha da mesma maneyra, franjadas ambas douro, & hum guardanapo sobre hũa salua de prata, com hũa colher & hum garfo douro, & dous saleirinhos pequenos tambem douro.

In another very great room in form like to a Gallery there was upon a very high and large foot-pace a little table placed, covered with a damask table-cloth, edged about with gold-frenge, and upon a silver plate a napkin with a fork and a spoon of gold, as also two little salt-sellers of the same mettal:


Afastados desta mesa dez ou doze passos estauão dous apparadores, em que auia baixellas muyto ricas, com grande soma de peças de prata de toda sorte feitas ao torno.

Now about ten or eleven spaces on the one side from this table were two cupbards of plate of all kind of fashions, and other vessels of great value;


E nos quatro cantos desta casa quatro tenores que leuaria cada hum quasi hum quarto com suas caldeirinhas presas por cadeas, guarnecidos em partes de troços dourados da grossura de hũ braço, & dous castiçaes muyto grandes com suas tochas de cera nouas apagadas por ser ainda de dia.

Moreover at the four corners of this table were four cisterns about the bigness of a bushhel with their kettels fastened to them with chains all of silver, as also two very great candlesticks of the same with white wax candles in them but not lighted;


A porta desta varanda estauão doze alabardeyros muyto bem despostos, vestidos de hũa cacheyra muyto felpuda, com seus carapuçoẽs do mesmo nas cabeças, & treçados na cinta de chaparia de prata, os quais todos eraõ tão soberbos & desarrezoados no modo das suas repostas que toda a gente os temia.

There were also at the door of the room twelve handsome Halberdiers, clothed in mantles like to Irish tug, with Scymitars by their sides, all covered over with plates of silver, which Guard (as ordinarily it is with them) were very haughty and rude in their answers to all that speak to them.


Este embaixador, alem da visitação que vinha fazer como os outros, vinha tambem tratar casamento deste Emperador Caraõ com hũa irmam do Tartaro, que se chamaua Meica vidau, que quer dizer, çafira rica, molher ja de trinta annos, mas bem assombrada, & muyto inclinada a fazer bem aos pobres pelo amor de Deos, a qual nós vimos muytas vezes nesta cidade em festas notaueis que esta gẽte custuma fazer em algũs dias abalisados do anno, em que tẽ muytos regozijos & passatempos, porem ao modo gentilico, quais saõ todos os seus custumes.

Although this Ambassadour was come thither in the way of visit as the rest, yet the principal subject of his Ambassy was to treat of a marriage between the Emperour of Caran, and a sister of the Tartar, named Meica vidau, that is to say, a rich Saphir, a Lady about some thirty years of age, but very handsom, and exceeding charitable to the poor, whom we saw divers times in this City at the chiefest Feasts, which these people use to solemnize at certain times of the year, after the manner of the Gentiles.


Mas deixando ja agora isto, que não toquey para mais que para dar relação dos embaixadores que vimos nesta corte, & deste principalmente, porque me pareceo mais para se notar que todos os outros, me tornarey â materia de que hia tratãdo, assi do que toca à nossa liberdade, como ao caminho que fizemos até as ilhas do mar da China, onde este Rey ou Emperador da Tartaria nos mandou leuar, paraque venhão ao conhecimento dos homens destas partes algũas cousas de que ategora por ventura não tiueraõ nenhũa noticia.

Howbeit setting aside all this, whereof I had not spoken but that it seemed more remarkable unto me then all the rest, I will return to my former discourse, as well concerning our liberty, as the voyage that we made even to the Islands of the Sea of China, whether the Emperour of Tartaria caused us to be conveighed, to the end that such as shall come after us may attain to the knowledge of a part of those things, whereof it may be they have never heard spoken until this present.


 Como fomos leuados outra vez diante deste Rey Tartaro, & do que passamos com elle.

In what manner we were brought again before the King of Tartaria; with our departure from that Kingdom; and all that we saw, and befell us in our voyage, till our arrival at the Court of the King of Cauchinchina.


Passados algũs dias despois de ser chegado este Rey a esta cidade de Taymicão, nos quais ouue algũas festas notaueis, por se concluyr o casamento desta princesa Meyca vidau irmam del Rey com este Emperador Caraõ de que tenho tratado, o Tartaro, por parecer & cõselho dos seus Capitaẽs quiz de nouo tornar a tentar a empresa do cerco do Pequim que deixara, sentindo quasi por afronta em sua pessoa o mao successo passado, para o qual chamou logo a cortes por todo o reyno, & fez algũas ligas & cõfederaçoẽs, por meyo de grossas peitas, com muytos Reys & principes comarcãos,

After some time had been spent in the Celebrations of certain remarkable Feasts, that were made for joy of the conclusion of a marriage betwixt the Princess Meica vidau, the Kings sister, and the Emperour of Caran, the Tartar by the advice of his Captains resolved to return anew to the Siege of Pequin, which he had formerly quitted, taking the ill sucess that he had there as a great affront to his person; To this effect then he caused all the Estates of his Kingdom to be assembled, and also made a league with all the Kings and Princes bordering in his Dominions:


& vendo os pobres de nós, quanto isto nos podia prejudicar ao que nos era prometido a cerca da nossa liberdade, tornamos de nouo a importunar o Mitaquer, a quem era dado o cargo disso, trazendolhe á memoria algũas cousas que fazião a nosso proposito, & a obrigação que para isso nos tinha pela palaura que nos tinha dado,

whereupon considering with our selves how prejudicial this might prove to the promise had been made us for the setting of us at liberty, we repaired to the Mitaquer, an represented unto him many things that made for our purpose, and obliged him to keep his word with us;


a que elle respondeo, tẽdes muyta razão no que dizeis, & eu muyta mais em vos não negar o que me pedis com tanta justiça, pelo que serâ bom conselho fazer disso lembrança a el Rey, porque se não perca vossa liberdade ao desemparo, & tãbem me parece que quanto mais cedo vos fordes daquy, tanto mais seguros estareis dos trabalhos que o tempo nos começa a mostrar nisto que agora sua alteza quer emprender de nouo por conselho de algũs que haõ mister mais de conselho para se gouernarem a sy mesmos, do que a terra ha mister de agoa para produzir os fruitos de suas sementes, mas à menham Deos querendo, eu lhe farey lembrança de vós, de vossa pobreza, & da orfindade de vossos filhinhos como por algũas vezes me tendes dito, porque quiçá se mouerá a pòr os olhos em vôs, como por sua realidade & grandeza custuma a fazer em casos semelhãtes a este vosso.

To the which he returned us this answer: Certainly you have a great deal of reason for that you say, and I have yet more not to refuse you that which you demand of me with so much justice; wherefore I resolve to put the King in mind of you, that you may enjoy your liberty, and the sooner you shall be gone from hence, the sooner you shall be freed from the labours which the time begins to prepare for us in the enterprise that his Majesty hath newly undertaken by the counsel of some particulars, who for that they know not how to govern themselves have more need to be counselled, then the earth hath need of water to produce the fruits that are sowed in her; but to morrow morning I shall put the King in mind of you, and your poverty, and withall I shall present unto him how you have poor fatherless children, as you have heretofore told me, to the end he may be thereby incited to cast his eyes upon you, as he is accustomed to do in like cases, which is none of the least marks of his greatness.


E com isto nos despidio, & ao outro dia pela menham se foy ao Pontiueu, que he a casa onde el Rey geralmente custuma a ouuir as partes, & fazendolhe lembrança de nós, lhe respondeo elle, que como despachasse hum embaixador seu para o Rey da Cauchenchina, então nos mandaria com elle, porque assi o tinha determinado.

Hereupon he dismissed us for that day, and the next morning he went to Pontiveu, which is a place where the King useth to give audience to all such as have any suit to him; There beseeching his Majesty to think of us, he answered him, that as soon as he dispatched away an Ambassador to the King of Cauchenchina he would send us along with him, for so he had resolved to do:


Cõ esta reposta tornou o Mitaquer para sua casa, onde o ja estauamos esperãdo, & nos disse isto que el Rey lhe respondera, & que sintira nelle desejo de nos fazer esmola para o caminho.

With this answer the Mitaquer returned to his house, where we were ready attending his coming, and told us what the King had promised him, wherewithal not a little contented we went back to our lodging;


Com esta boa noua nos tornamos muyto contentes para nossa casa, onde estauamos esperando a hora em que esta promessa auia de ter effeito, até que despois de passados dez dias o Mitaquer por mandado del Rey nos leuou ao paço, & chegando nós a onde elle estaua cõ aquellas cerimonias de grandeza & magestade com que se lhe custuma a falar, que saõ as mesmas de que vsou quando estaua no Pequim, como atras deixo contado, nos olhou com bom sembrante, & disse ao Mitaquer que nos preguntasse se o queriamos seruir, porque teria gosto disso, & nos faria merces & honras mais auentajadas que a todos os outros estrangeyros que o seruião na guerra.

There in the expectation of the good success of this promise we continued ten days with some impatience, at the end whereof the Mitaquer by the Kings express command carried us with him to the Court, where causing us to approach near to his Majesty, with those ceremonies of greatness which are observed in coming before him, being the same we used at Pequin, after he had beheld us with a gentle eye, he bid the Mitaquer ask of us whether we would serve him, and in case we would, he should not only be very well pleased with it, but he would also give us better entertainment, and more advantagious conditions then all the strangers that should follow him in this war.


A que o Mitaquer respondeo em nosso fauor o que algũas vezes lhe tinhamos dito, que eramos casados na nossa terra, & com muytos filhinhos, & tão pobres que não tinhamos mais que o que lhe grangeauamos por nossa industria & trabalho com que pobremente os sustẽtauamos, o que elle ouuio com mostras de ter cõpaixão de nòs, que nos deraõ algũas esperanças de o acharmos fauorauel ao nosso proposito, & disse para o Mitaquer, folgo de saber que tem la tamanho penhor como esse que dizem, para lhes cumprir com mais gosto o que em meu nome lhe prometeste.

To this demand the Mitaquer answered very favourably for us, how he had often heard us say, that we were married in our Country, and had a great charge of children, who had no other means to maintain them, but what we got with our labour, which was poorly enough God knows: The King heard this speech with some demonstration of pity, so that looking on the Mitaquer; I am glad, said he, to know that they have such good cause to return home as they spealk of, that I may with the more contentmant acquit me of that which thou hast promised them in my name.


A que o Mitaquer, & nós todos com elle, leuantando as mãos em sinal de lhe darmos graças, beijamos o chaõ tres vezes dizendo,

At these words the Mitaquer, and all we that were with him, lifting up our hands, as to a testimony of our thankfulness unto him, we kissed the ground three times, and said,


hipausinafapò lagaõ companoo ducure viday hurpane marcutó valem, que quer dizer, sobre mil geraçoẽs descãsem teus peis, porque fiques senhor dos que habitão a terra,

May thy feet rest themselves upon a thousand generations, to the end that thou mayst be Lord of the inhabitants of the earth.


ao que se elle sorrio, & disse para hum principe que estaua junto com elle, falão como gẽte que se criou entre nós. E pondo então os olhos em Iorge Mendez que estaua diante de nós todos junto co Mitaquer, lhe disse, & tu em que estás, queres yr ou ficar?

Hereat the King began to smile, and said to a Prince that was near him, These men speak as if they had been bred amongst us; Then casting his eyes on Jorge Mendez, who stood before all us next to the Mitaquer, And thou, said he unto him, in what condition art thou, wilt thou go, or stay?


a que elle respondeo, como homem que ja de mais lõge tinha feito o concerto, eu senhor, como não sou casado nem tenho filhos que me chorem, quero antes seruir vossa alteza, pois disso tem gosto, que ser mil annos Chaem do Pequim, a que el Rey se sorrio.

whereupon Mendez, who had long before premeditated his answer, Sir, replyed he, for me, that have neither wife, nor children to bewail my absence, the thing I most desire in the world is to serve your Majesty, since you are pleased therewith, whereunto I have more affection then to be Chaem of Pequim one thousand years together. At this the King smiled again,


E tornando a praticar com algũs senhores que estauão mais chegados a elle em cousas de seus passatempos, nos não disse mais nada.

and then dismissed us,


Com isto nos recolhemos assaz contentes para nossa casa, onde estiuemos mais tres dias fazendonos prestes, no fim dos quais a requerimento do Mitaquer, & por meyo de sua irmam, que, como ja disse era a mais aceita a el Rey de todas nos mãdou dar para todos oito dous mil taeis, & nos entregou ao seu embaixador que hia para a cidade de Vzanguee na Cauchenchina, em cõpanhia doutro deste mesmo Rey Cauchim,

so that we returned very well satisfied to our lodging, where we continued three days in a readiness to depart, at the end of which by the mediation of the Mitaquer, and means of his sister, who, as I have said before, was wonderfully beloved of the King, his Majesty sent us for the eight that we were two thousand Taeis, and gave us in charge to his Ambassadour, whom he sent to the City of Uzamguee in Cauchenchina, in the company of the same King of Cauchenchina’s Ambassador:


& com elle nos partimos daly a cinco dias embarcados na mesma embarcaçaõ em que elle hia, & o Iorge Mendez nos deu mil cruzados porque ja a este tempo tinha seis mil de renda, & nos acompanhou todo aquelle dia, & em fim se despidio de nòs com muytas lagrimas, lamẽtando entre ellas algũas vezes o desterro em que ficaua.

With him we departed from thence five days after, being imbarqued in the vessel wherein he went himself: But before our departure Jorge Mendez gave us a thousand Duckets, which was easie for him to do, for that he had already six thousand of yearly rent, withal he kept us Company all that day, and at length took his leave of us, not without shedding many a tear for grief that he had so exposed himfelf to a voluntary exile.


Do caminho que fizemos desta cidade de Tuymicão atè chegarmos ao terreyro das caueyras dos mortos.


Partidos nós a noue dias do més de Mayo do anno de 1544, desta cidade de Tuymicão, fomos aquelle dia ja quasi noite dormir a hũs estudos que se chamauão Guatipamor, em hum pagode por nome Naypatim, nos quais os embaixadores ambos foraõ bem agasalhados pelo Tuyxiuau da casa, que era o Reytor delles.

Being departed from this City of Tuymican on the ninth day of May, in the year one thousand, five hundred, forty and four, we carne to lodg that night at a University in a Pagode called Guatipanior, where the two Ambassadors were very well entertained by the Tuyxivau of the house, which is as the Rector thereof,


E como ao outro dia foy menham clara seguiraõ seu caminho pelo rio abaixo cada hũ em sua embarcação, a fora outras duas em que leuauão sua fardagem.

and the next morning when it was broad day, both of them continued their course down the river, each one in his own ship; besides other two wherein their stuff was;


E sendo passadas duas horas despois da vespera, chegamos a hũa cidade pequena por nome Puxanguim, bem fortalecida com torres & baluartes ao nosso modo, & cauas largas com tres pontes de cantaria muyto fortes, & grande soma de artilharia de pao como bombas de nauios, somente os vasos dos leytos em que se atacauão as camaras, eraõ chapeados de ferro, & tirauão pilouros como de falcoens & meyas esperas.

About two hours in the night we arrived at a little Town, named Puxanguim, well fortified with Towers and bulwarks after our manner, as also with very broad ditches, and strong bridges of hewed stone; there was likewise great store of Artillery, or Cannons of wood, made like unto the pumps of ships, behind the which they put boxes of iron, that held their charge, and were fastened unto them with iron bands; as for the bullets which they shot, they were like unto those of Falconets, and half black:


E perguntando nós aos embaixadores quem inuentara aquelle modo de tiros, nos disseraõ que hua gente que se chamaua Alimanis, de hũa terra por nome Muscoo, que por hum lago dagoa salgada muyto grande & fundo aly vierão ter em noue embarcaçoẽs de remo, em cõpanhia de hũa molher viuua senhora de hum lugar que se dezia Guaytor, aquem hum Rey de Dinamarca dezião que lançara fora da sua terra, & vindo aly ter fugida com tres filhos seus, o visauó deste Rey Tartaro os fizera grandes senhores, & os casara com parentas suas, dos quais agora procedião as principaes casas daquelle imperio.

Being much amazed to see this, we demanded of the Ambassador who it was that had invented those kind of guns? whereunto they answered, that it was certain men, called Almains, and of a Country named Muscovy, who by a very great lake of salt-water, came down to this Town in nine vessels rowed with oars, in the company of a widdow woman, Lady of a place, called Gaytor, who they said was chased out of her Country by a King of Denmark, so that flying for refuge with three sons of her, the great Grand-father of this King of Tartaria made them all great Lords, and gave them certain kinswoman of his in marriage, from whom are extracted the chiefest families of this Empire.


Ao outro dia pela menham nos partimos desta cidade, & fomos dormir a outra muyto mais nobre, por nome Linxau.

The next morning we parted from this Town, and that night lay as another more nobler, named Enxcau:


E seguindo mais cinco dias nossa viagem por este rio abaixo, fomos hum sabbado pela menham ter a hum grande templo por nome Singuafatur, o qual tinha hũa cerca que seria de mais de hũa legoa em roda, dentro da qual estauão fabricadas cẽto & sessenta & quatro casas muyto compridas & largas a modo de terecenas, todas cheyas ate os telhados de caueyras de gente morta, as quais erão tantas em tanta quantidade que receyo muyto dizello, assi por ser cousa que se podera mal crer, como pelo abuso & cegueyra destes miseraueis.

Five days after we continued our voyage down this river, and then we arrived at a great Temple, called Singuafatur, where we saw an inclosure of above a league in circuit, in which were builded an hundred, threescore, and four houses, very long and broad, after the fashion of Arsenals, all full up to the very tyles of dead mens heads, whereof there was so great a number, that I am afraid to speak it, for that it will hardly be credited.


Fora de cada hũa destas casas estauão os ossos das caueyras que estauão dentro nella, postos em rumas tão altas que sobrepujauão por cima dos telhados mais de tres braças, de maneyra que a mesma casa ficaua metida debaixo de toda esta ossada sem se apparecer della mais que somente a frõtaria em que estaua a porta.

Without each of these houses were also great piles of the bones of these heads, which were three fathom higher than the ridges of them, so that the house seemed to be buried, no other part of them appearing but the frontispiece where the gate stood;


Sobre hum teso que a terra fazia para a banda do Sul, estaua feito hum terreyro alto fechado todo com noue ordẽs de grades de ferro, para o qual se sobia por quatro entradas.

not far from thence upon a little hill on the South-side of them was a kind of a platform, whereunto one went up by certain winding-stairs of iron, and through four several doors;


Dentro deste terreyro estaua posto em pé, encostado a hum cubello de cantaria muyto forte & alto, o mais disforme & espantoso mõstro de ferro coado que os homẽs podem imaginar, o qual tomado assi a esmo, se julgaua que seria de mais de trinta braças em alto, & seis de largo, & nesta tamanha disformidade era muyto bem proporcionado em todos os membros, saluo na cabeça, que era hum pouco pequena para tamanho corpo, o qual monstro sustẽtaua em ambas as mãos hum pilouro do mesmo ferro coado de trinta & seis palmos em roda.

Upon this platform was the tallest, the most deformed, and dreadful Monster that possibly can be imagined, standing upon his feet, and leaning against a mighty tower of hewed stone; he was made of cast iron, and of so great and prodigious stature, that by guess he seemed to be above thirty fathom high, and more then six broad, notwithstanding the which deformity he was exceedingly well proportioned in all his limbs, only his head was somewhat too little for so great a body. This monster held in both his hands a bowl of the same iron, being six and thirty spans about.


A significação desta estranha monstruosidade pregũtamos nos ao embaixador Tartaro, o qual nos respondeo, se vos outros soubesseis a conta deste Deos forte, & quão necessario vos era terdelo por amigo, ouuereis por bẽ empregado dardeslhe tudo o que tendes antes que aos vossos mesmos filhos, porque aueis de saber que este grande santo que aquy vedes he o tisoureyro de todos os ossos de quantos nacerão no mundo, para no derradeyro dia de todos os dias, quando os homẽs hão de tornar a nacer de nouo, dar a cada carne os ossos que deixou na terra, porque conhece todos, & sabe particularmente de que carne foy cada ossada daquellas, & aquelle triste que nesta vida foy tão mofino que lhe não fez honra, nem lhe deu esmolla, darlheha os mais podres ossos que achar no chaõ porque viua sempre enfermo, ou lhe darâ hũ osso ou dous menos, paraque fique manco, ou aleijado, ou torto, & por isso vosoutros, de meu conselho, fazeyuos aquy seus confrades, & offereceilhe algũa cousa, & vòs vereys o bem que dahy se vos segue.

Beholding so strange and monstrous a thing, we demanded of the Tartar Ambassadour the explication thereof, who willing to satisfie our curiosity, If you knew, answered he, what the power of this God is, and how needful it is for you to have him to friend, certainly you would think it well imployed if you presented him with all your means, how great soever they might be, and give them to him rather then to your own children; ~~~ for you must know that this great Saint, which you see there, is the Treasurer of the bones of all those that are born into the World, to the end that at the last day, when men come to be born again he may give to every one the same bones which he had upon earth, for he knows them all, and can tell in particular to what body each of those bones belong: whereupon you are further to understand, that he, who in this life shall be so unadvised as not to honour him, nor present him with something, will be but in an ill case in the other world, for this Saint will then give him some othe rottenest bones he can meet withal, and one or two less than he should have, by means whereof he will become deformed, lame, or crooked, and therefore if you will follow my counsel, you shall make your selves of his fraterrnity, by offering something unto him, and you will find by experience the good that will redound to your thereof hereafter.


Tambẽ lhe preguntamos paraque era aquelle pilouro que tinha nas mãos, & nos respondeo, que para dar com elle na cabeça à serpe tragadora que viuia na concaua funda da casa do fumo, quando os quisesse vir roubar.

We desired also to know of him what the bowle which this Monster held in his hand, signified, whereunto he answered us, That he held it to fling it at the head of the gluttonous Serpent, that lived in the profound Obism of the house of smoak, when he should come thither to steal away any of those bones.


Apos isto lhe tornamos a preguntar pelo nome daquelle monstro, & nos disse que era, Pachinarau dubeculem pinanfaquè, o qual auia setenta & quatro mil annos que nacera de hũa tartaruga por nome Miganja, & de hũ cauallo marinho de cento & trinta braças de comprido, que se chatonua Tibremvucão, que fora Rey dos Gigaos de Fanjùs.

After this we enquired of him how this Monster was called, and he told us that his name was, Pachinavau du beculem Prinaufaque, and that it was threescore and fourteen thousand years since he was begotten on a Tortois, called Migama, by a Sea-horse, that was an hundred and thirty fathom long, named Tybrem vucam, who had been King of the Giants of Fanius;


E destas patranhas & bestialidades nos contou outras muytas que tem para sy, com que o demonio os leua todos ao inferno, a que elles chamão concaua funda da casa do fumo.

he told us likewise many other brutish fooleries and absurdities, which those of that Country believe as their Creed and where with the Divel precipitates them all into hell;


Affirmounos tambem este embaixador que somente das esmollas dos seus confrades passaua de duzentos mil taeis de renda cada anno, a fora as propriedades das capellas dos jazigos dos nobres, que separadas por sy fazião outra muyto mayor quantidade de renda que esta das esmollas, & que tinha de ordinario doze mil sacerdotes a que se daua de comer & vestir, que, como merceeyros, eraõ obrigados a rezar pelos defuntos daquelles ossos, os quais não sahião fora daquella cerca, sem licença dos seus Chisangués a que obedecião, mas que de fora auia seiscentos seruidores que lhe negoceauão o necessario, os quais sacerdotes hũa só vez no anno se lhes permitia quebrarem a castidade dentro naquella cerca, mas que fora della o podião fazer cada vez & com quem quisessem, sem encorrerem em peccado, & que para isso tinhaõ tambem seus encerramẽtos, onde tinhão muytas molheres deputadas para isto, as quais com licença das suas Libangùs, que saõ as prioressas se não negão aos sacerdotes desta bestial & diabolica seita.

Moreover this Ambassadour assured us, that the gifts which were presented to this Idol, amounted to above two hundred thousand Taeis of yearly rent, without comprising therein what came from Chappels, and other foundations of obits from the principal Lords of the Country, thc Revenue whereof was far greater then that of the gifts; For a conclusion he told us, that this same Idol had ordinarily twelve thousand priests attending on his service, who were maintained with meat, drink, and clothing, only to pray for the dead, that is to say, for those unto whom these bones appertained; we were also assured, that these priests never went out of this inclosure without the permission of their Superiours, but that there was still without six hundred servants, who took care for the providing of all things necessary for them; And further that it was not lawful for these priests, save once a year, to break within this inclosure the vow which they had made of chastity, but without the same they might whore their pleasure with whomsoever they would, without committing any sin; There was also a Serraglio there, wherein many women, appointed for that purposc were shut up, whom their Governesses permitted to have to do with the priests of this beastly and diabolical Sect.


Do caminho que fizemos atè chegarmos à cidade de Quanginau, & do que nella vimos.


Seguindo nosso caminho deste pagode para diante, fomos ao outro dia ter a hũa cidade muyto nobre que estaua â borda do rio por nome Quanginau, na qual estes embaixadores ambos se detiuerão tres dias prouendose de algũas cousas de que ja vinhão faltos, & vendo hũas festas que se fazião â entrada do Talapicor de Lechune, que he entre elles como Papa, o qual hia visitar el Rey & consolalo pelo mao successo que tiuera na China.

Continuing out voyage from this Pagode, or Monastery of Gentiles, whereof we have spoken, the next day we arrived at a very fair Town, called Quanginau, which stands on the bank of the river; In this place the Ambassadours stayed three whole dayes for to furnish themselves with certain things they wanted, as also for to see the feastings and joy that was made at that time upon the entry of the Talapicor of Echuna, which is their Pope, who was going then unto the King for to comfort him about the ill success he had in China.


Este Talapicor entre algũas honras & merces que fez aos moradores desta cidade para lhes satisfazer o muyto que gastarão no recebimento que lhe fizerão, foy concederlhes que pudessem todos ser sacerdotes, & ministrar sacrificios onde quer que se achassem para lhe darem por isso seu estipendio como aos outros que forão feitos por exame, & que pudessem tambem passar escritos como letras de cambio para no Ceo darem dinheyro aos que lhe cà fizessem bẽ.

Amongst other graces, which this Talapicor bestowed on the inhabitants of this Town, in recornpence of the charge they had been at for his reception, he granted unto them, that they might be all Priests, and administer their sacrifices in what places soever they were, and likewise that they might therefore receive the same entertainment and gifts, that were accustomed to be given unto our Priests, without any difference between them and those that upon examination had been promoted to that dignity; Moreover he gave them power to grant Bills of Exchange for Heaven unto all such’as should do them good here below.


E ao embaixador da Cauchenchina, por ser estrangeyro, concedeo que na sua terra pudesse legitimar por nouos parentescos os que por isso lhe dessem dinheyro, & dar nome de titulos hõrosos aos senhores da corte, assi como el Rey o fazia, de que o triste embaixador se ouue por tão honrado, & a vaydade que tomou por isto o fez tão alheyo da sua condição (porque naturalmẽte era apertado) que o fez aly gastar em esmollas que deu aos sacerdotes tudo quanto leuaua de seu, & não cõtente ainda com isto nos tomou tambem a cambio os dous mil taeis que el Rey nos tinha dado, de que despois nos deu de interesse a quinze por cẽto,

To the Ambassador of Cauchinchina he granted as a most singular favor, that he might legitimate any that would pay him for it, and also confer on the Lords of the Court titles, and marks of honour, as far forth as if he had been King, whereof the foolish Ambassador was so proud, as setting aside covetousnesse, though it were a vice he was naturally inclined unto, he imployed all that ever he had there in gifts upon those Priests, and besides not contented therewith, he for that end borrowed of us the two thousand Taeis the King had given us, which afterwards he paid us again with interest after fifteen in the hundred.


& querendose estes embaixadores partir, foraõ visitar o Talapicor a hũ pagode onde estaua aposentado, por que por ser grandioso & tido em reputação de santo, não podia pousar cõ nenhũ homẽ senão co el Rey somente, porem elle lhes mandou que se não fossem aquelle dia, porque auia elle de pregar em hum templo de religiosas da inuocação de Pontimaqueu, o que elles tiuerão por muyto grãde honra, & daly se foraõ logo para o pagode onde se auia de fazer o sermão, onde era tanta a gente em tanta maneyra que foy necessario mudarse o agrem, que era o pulpito, para hum terreyro muyto grande, o qual em menos de hũa hora foy todo cercado em roda de palãques toldados de pannos de seda, em que estauão as molheres & filhas dos nobres ricamente vestidas, & doutra parte estaua a Vanguenarau, que era a prioressa, com todas as menigregas do pagode, que erão mais de trezentas,

After these matters the two Ambassadors resolved to continue their voyage, but before their departure they went to visit the Talapicor in a Pagode where he was lodged, for in regard of his greatness, and that he was held for a Saint, he might not abide with any man, but with the King only. Now as soon as he understood of the Ambassadors coming to him, he sent them word not to go away that day, because he was to preach at the Church of certain religious women of the Invocation of Pontimaqueu; this they took for a great honour, and incontinently went to the Pagode, where the Sermon was to be: At their arrival they found such a concourse of people, that they were constrained to remove the Pulpit to another very great place, which in less then an hour was invironed with Scaffolds, hung about with silk stuff, whereon the one side were the Ladies, richly apparelled, and on the other the Princess, called Vanguenarau, with all the Menigregues, or religious women of the Pagode, being in number above three hundred.


& sobido o Talapicor no agrẽ, despois de mostrar no exterior muytos gostos & meneyos de sãtidade, põdo de quando em quando os olhos no Ceo com as mãos leuantadas, começou seu introito, dizendo:

After the Talapicor was gone up into the Pulpit, and that be had made an exterior shew of much holiness, ever and anon lifting up his hands and eyes to Heaven, he began his Sermon in this manner,


Faxitinau hinagor datirem, voreminadé datur natigão filau impacur, coilouzaa patigão, &c. que quer dizer, Assi como por natureza a agoa laua tudo, & o Sol aquenta as criaturas, assi he proprio em Deos por natureza celeste fazer bem a todos.

Like as it is the property of water to clense all things, and of the Sun to warm all creatures, so it is the property of God through a coelestial and divine nature to do good unto all;


Pelo qual hũs & outros somos muyto obrigados a imitarmos este Senhor que nos criou & nos sustenta, com fazermos geralmente aos faltos do bem do mundo aquillo que queriamos que nos fizessem a nós, visto como nesta obra o agradamos muyto mais que em todas as outras, poque assi como o bõ pay folga quando vé que lhe conuidão seus filhos, assi folga este Senhor, pay verdadeyro de todos, quando com zelo de caridade nos communicamos hũs cos outros.

whererefore we are all bound, as well in general and particular, to imitate this our Lord, who hath created, and doth nourish us, by doing that unto those, who stand in need of the good of this world, as we would that they should do unto us, for that by this work we are more pleasing unto him, then by any other whatsoever. For as the good Father of a Family rejoyceth to see his children made much of, and presents given to them, so our Heavenly Lord, who is the true Father of us all, rejoyceth at such time as with a zeal of charity we communicate one with another;


Pelo que està visto & claro que o auarento que fecha a mão para aquelles a que a necessidade obriga a pedir o que lhe falta, & lhe he necessario, & torce o fucinho para outra parte sem lhe dar remedio, assi ha de ser torcido por juizo justo de Deos no charco da noite, onde contino bradarâ como ram, atormentado na fome de sua auareza, pelo que vos amoesto & mando a todos que pois tẽdes orelhas que me ouçais, & façais o que a ley do Senhor vos obriga, que he dardes do vosso sobejo aos pobres, a quem falta o remedio para se sustentarem, porque Deos vos não falte no derradeyro bocejo da vida.

whereby it is evident, that the covetous man, who shuts his hand, when the poor ask something of him which they want, constrained thereunto by necessity, and that turns him another way without assisting them, shall be treated in the same manner by a just judgment of God, and driven down into the bottom of the sink of the night, to where like a frog he shal croke without ceasing, being tormemted by the hunger of his covetousness: This being so, I do advise and enjoyn you all, since you have ears to hear me, that you do that which the Law of the Lord obligeth you to do, which is, that you give of that whereof you have too much, to the poor, who have not wherewith to feed themselves, to the end God may not be wanting to you when you shall be at the last gasp of your life:


E seja esta caridade em vòs tão vista & tão geral que até os passarinhos do âr sintão esta vossa liberalidade, a que a ley do Senhor vos obriga, porque a falta do vosso sobejo os não constranja a tomarem o alheyo, em cujo peccado vos sereis tão culpados como se matareis hum menino no berço.

Go to then, let this charity be so remarkable and universal in you, that the very fowls of the air may taste of your liberality; And this you ought to do to keep the poor, having need of what you possess in excess, from being forced by their necessitty to rob other men of their goods, whereof you would be no less blameable, then if you killed an infant in the cradle;


E encomendouos que vos lembre o que està escrito nos volumes da nossa verdade a cerca dos beẽs que aueis de fazer aos sacerdotes que rogaõ por vòs, porque se não percão á mingoa do que lhe não dais, que serà ante Deos tamanho peccado como que matasseis hũa vaca brãca estando mamando na teta da mãy, em cuja morte morrem mil almas que nella como em casa douro estão sepultadas esperando o dia da sua promessa, em que serão tornadas em perolas brancas para bailarem no Ceo como os argueyros nas resteas do Sol.

I command also unto your rimembrance that which is written in the Book of our truth, touching the good you are bound to do unto the Priests, that pray for you, to the end they may not perish for want of the good you ought to do unto them, which would be as great a sin before God, as if you should cut the throat of a little white heifer when she is sucking of her Dam, by the death of whom a thousand souls would die, which are buried in her as in a golden Tomb, in expectation of the day, which is to accomplish the promise, that was made unto them, wherein they shall be transformed into white pearls for to dance in Heaven, like unto the moats, which are in the beams of the Sun.


E assi com estas ruyns razões, & outras muytas tão ruyns como ellas se veyo a aferuorar de tal maneyra, & dizer tantos desatinos, que nôs os oito Portugueses estauamos pasmados da deuação daquella gente, & de como todos estauão promptos & com as mãos aleuantadas, dizendo de quãdo em quando, taximida, que quer dizer assi o cremos.

Having uttered these things, he added many others thereunto, and delivering a world of extravagancies and fooleries, he bestirred himself in such manner, as was a wonder to behold, so that we eight Portugals were exceedingly amazed at the extream devotion of these people, and how that in lifting up their hands to Hands to Heaven, they ever and anon repeated this word Taiximida, that is to say, So we believe;


Hum dos da nossa companhia por nome Vicẽte Morosa, quando estes ouuintes em certos passos dezião tayximida, dezia tambem, tal seja tua vida;

In the mean time one of our fellows, named Vincent Morosa, hearing the auditors so often use that word Taiximida, said in imitation of them, Such may thy life be;


& isto com tanta graça nos meneos, & com hum sembrante tão sesudo, & sem nenhũ mouimento de riso, que não auia nenhum de quantos estauão no auditorio que se pudesse ter ao riso, & elle só não fazia de sy nenhũa mudança, mas ficaua sempre muyto seguro, fingindo que choraua com deuação,

and that with such a grace, and so setled a countenance, not seeming any way to jeer him, that not one in the Assembly could forbear laughing: He in the mean while continued still firm, and more and more confirmed, seeming even to weep out of an excess of devotion;


& sempre cos olhos postos no Talapicor, o qual quando olhou para elle não se pode ter que não fizesse tambẽ o que os outros fazião, de maneyra que o fim da pregação, assi no que pregaua como nos ouuintes se soltou num riso com tanto gosto, que até a Vanganarau com todas as menigrepas da religiaõ, não auia cousa que as pudesse tornar a meter na autoridade com que primeyro estauão, tendo todos para sy que o Portuguez fazia aquillo com deuação & com todo seu siso, porque na verdade se entenderão que o fazia zombando ou por desprezo, quiçâ que fora muyto bem castigado.

Now his eyes being always fixed on the Talapicor, he whensoever he chanced to look on him could not chuse but do as the rest did, so that upon the conclusion of his Sermon all that heard him fell to laughing out-right: The Prioress herself, and all the Menigregues of her Monastery could not contain themselves in their serious humour, imagining that the faces which the Portugal made, and his actions, were so many effects of his devotion, and good meaning; For if one had thought it to be otherwise, and that he had not done it out of derision, no question but he had been so chastised, as he should never have been able to mock again.


Apos isto se recolheo o Talapicor para o pagode onde pousaua, acompanhado de toda a gente honrada & dos embaixadores, & de caminho foy gabando a deuação do Portuguez, dizendo, até estes, ainda que bestiais, & sem conhecimento da nossa verdade, não deixão de sentir que he cousa santa o que me ouuirão, a que todos responderaõ que era assi sem falta nenhũa.

When the Sermon was ended, the Talapicor returned to the Pagod where he lodged, being accompanied with the most honourable of all the Assembly, together with the Ambassadors, unto whom all the way as he went he ceased not to commend the devotion of the Portugal, Look, said he, there is not so much as these people, who live like beasts, and without the knowledge of our truth, but see well enough that there is nothing but what is godly in what I have preached; whereunto all answered that it was as he said.


Do caminho que fizemos desta cidade de Quanginau, atê a cidade de Xolor, & do que nella vimos.


Logo ao outro dia nos partimos desta cidade de Quanginau, & seguimos nosso caminho por este rio abaixo, por espaço de quatro dias, vendo em todos elles muytas pouoações & lugares grandes que estauão ao longo da agoa,

The day after we parted from the Town of Quanginau, and continued our voyage down the river for the space of fourteen dayes, during the which we saw a number of Towns, and great Boroughs on either side of us,


& no fim dos quatro dias chegamos a hũa cidade que se chamaua Lechune, que he cabeça da falsa religião desta gentilidade, como o he Roma entre nòs, na qual estâ hũ templo muyto sumptuoso, & de efificios muyto notaueis, em que estão sepultados vinte & sete Reys ou Emperadores desta Tartara Monarchia, em jazigos de capellas muyto ricas, assi por serem lauradas de obra muyto custosa, como por serem todas forradas de prata, onde auia hũa grande quantidade de idolos de differentes naturezas, tambem feitos de prata.

at the end whereof we arrived at a City, called Lechuna, the chiefest of the Religion of the Gentiles, and such it may be, a Rome is amongst us. In this City was a very sumptuous Temple, where there were many remarkable edifices, in the which seven and twenty Kings or Emperours of this Monarchy of Tartaria have been buried. Their Tomb are in Chappels, wonderful rich, as well for the excellency of their workmanship, which is of an infinite cost, as for that they are within covered all over with plates of silver, wherein there are divers Idols of different forms made also of silver.


Para a parte do Norte, hum pouco afastada deste templo, estaua hũa notauel cerca assi de grande, como de forte, dentro da qual estauão edificados duzentos & oitenta mosteyros, dedicados aos seus pagodes, tantos de homens como de molheres, nos quais nos affirmaraõ que auia quarenta e dous mil sacerdotes, & menigrepos, a fora os ministros que seruião de fora, de que tambem era hũa grande quantidade.

On the North side a little part from the Temple was an inclosure worthy the observation, both for its extent, and the fortification thereof; within it were two hundred and fourscore Monasteries, as well of men, as of women, dedicated to certain Idols, and for the service of all these Pagodes, or Temples there are ordinarily, as we were assured, two and forty thousand Priests and Menigrepes, not comprising therein those which were lodged without the inclosure for the service of these false priests.


Por entre estas duzentas & oitenta casas auia infinitas colunas de bronzo, & encima de cada hũa dellas estaua hum idolo do mesmo bronzo dourado, & algũs destes idolos erão de prata, que saõ as estatuas dos que elles nas suas seitas tiuerão por santos, & de que contão grandes patranhas, & segundo os quilates das virtudes em que cada hum exercitou a vida, assi lhe fazem a estatua mais ou menos dourada & rica, paraque os viuos que os virem assi hõrados, se incitem & animem aos imitarem, para que despois de mortos lhe façaõ a elles outro tanto.

We observed that in these two hundred and fourscore houses there was an infinite company of pillars of brass, and upon the top of each pillar are idols of the same mettal guilt, besides those which likewise were there all of silver: These Idols are the Statues of them, whom in their false Sect they hold for Saints, and of whom they recount such sopperies, as would make a man wonder to hear them; For they give unto each of them a Statue, more or less rich, and guilded, according to the degrees of vertue which they have exercised in this life: And this they do expresly, that the living may be incited to imitate them, to the end there maybe as much done unto them when they are dead.


Num destes mosteyros que digo, da inuocação do Quiay Frigau, Deos dos atamos do sol, em hum rico aposento estaua hũa irmam del Rey viuua que fora molher do Raja Benão principe de Pafuâ, a qual por morte de seu marido se metera aly em religião com seys mil molheres que trouxera comsigo, & por grao mais honroso que todos se intitulaua vassoura da casa de Deos.

In one of these Monasteries of the Invocation of Quiay Frigau, that is to say, The God of the moats of the Sun, was sister of the Kings, the widdow of Raia Benan, Prince of Pafua, whom the death of her husband had made resolve to shut her self up in this Monastery, with six thousand women that had followed her thither, and she had taken upon her, as the most honourable Title the could think on, the name of, the broom of the House of God.


A esta molher foraõ ver os embaixadores, & lhe beijaraõ o pé como a santa, & ella os recebeo afabelmente, & com palauras discretas lhes preguntou miudamente por algũas cousas de que lhe elles derão razão.

The Ambassadors went to see this Lady, and kissed her feet as a Saint; she received them very courteously, and demanded many things of them with great discretion, whereunto they rendred such answers as became them;


Olhando então para nòs, que ficamos hum pouco mais afastados, & entendendo que eramos gente noua naquella terra, preguntou aos embaixadores de que naçaõ eramos, a que elles responderaõ, que de hũa terra do cabo do mundo, a que se não sabia o nome, de que ella fez hum grande espanto.

but coming to cast her eye upon us, who stood somewhat far off, and understanding that never any of our Nation was seen in those parts before, she enquired of the Ambassadors of what Country we were? They answered, that we were come from a place at the other end of the world, whereof no man there knew the name. At those words she stood much amazed,


E mandandonos chegar para junto de sy, nos preguntou muytas cousas, a que respondemos como era razão, o que ella, & todas as mais que estauão presentes folgarão muyto de ouuir, & espantada a Raynha das repostas que hum dos nossos lhe daua, disse, falão como homens que se criarão entre gente que vio mais do mundo que nos,

and causing us to come nearer, she questioned us about many things, whereof we gave her such an account as greatly contented her, and all that were present; In the mean time the Princess wondring at the answers, which one of ours made her, They speak, said she, like men that have been brought up amongst people, who have seen more of the world than we have.


& despois de se deter com nosco hum pequeno espaço em algũas preguntas, nos despidio com boas palauras, & nos mãdou dar cem taeis de esmola.

So after she had heard us talk a while of some matters, that she had propounded unto us, she dismissed us with very good words, and caused an hundred Taeis to be given us in way of an alms.


Despididos os embaixadores della, seguiraõ sua derrota por este rio abaixo, & a cabo de cinco dias chegamos a hũa grande cidade por nome Rendacalem que estaua no estremo da Tartaria,

The Ambassadors having taken their leave of her, continued their voyage down along the river, so that at the end of five days we arrived at a great Town, called Rendacalem, scituated on the uttermost Confines of the Kingdom of Tartaria:


& daly por diante começa o senhorio de Xinaleygrau, pelo qual caminhamos mais quatro dias, até chegarmos a hũa pouoação que se dezia Voulem, onde os embaixadores ambos foraõ bem recebidos do senhor da terra, & prouidos do necessario para sua viagem, & de pilotos para aquelles rios.

Out of this place we entred upon the State of the Xinaleygrau, and therein we proceeded on four days together, until such time as we came to a Town, named Voulem, where the Ambassadors were very well entertained by the Lord of the Country, and abundantly furnished with all things necessary for their voyage, as also with Pilots to guide them in those rivers.


Daquy seguirão sua derrota mais sete dias sem em todos elles vermos cousa de que se pudesse fazer caso, no fim dos quais abocamos por hum esteyro que se dezia Quatanqur, pelo qual os pilotos entrarão, assi por encurtarem o caminho, como por se arredarem de irem encontrar com hum famoso cossayro que tinha roubado a mayor parte daquella terra.

From thence we pursued our course for seven days together, during the which we saw not any thing worthy of note, and at length came to a straight, called Catencur, whereinto the Pilots entred, as well to abridge their voyage, as to avoid the encounter of a famous Pirot, who had robbed those parts of most of their wealth.


E correndo por este esteyro a Leste, & a Lesnordeste, & em partes a Lessueste conforme âs quedas por onde a agoa fazia sua euasaõ, chegamos ao lago de Singapamor, que os naturais da terra nomeão por Cunebetee, que, segundo a enformação que nos derão, tinha em roda trinta & seys legoas, no qual vimos tanta diuersidade de aues de toda a sorte, que me não atreuo a podelo dizer.

Through this straight running East, as also East, North-east; and sometimes East, and by East, according to the windings of the water we arrived at the Lake of Singapamor, called by them of the Country Cunebetea, which was, as our Pilots affirmed, six and thirty leagues in extent, where we saw so many several sorts of birds, that I am not able to recount them.


Deste lago de Singapamor, que a natureza por obra admirauel abrio no coração desta terra, saem quatro rios muyto largos & fundos, hũ por nome Ventrau, que corta direyto a Oeste toda a terra do Sornau de Sião, & faz sua entrada no mar pela barra de Chiãtabuu, em vinte & seis graos.

Out of this Lake of Singapamor (which as an admirable Master-piece nature hath opened in the heart of this Country) do four very Iarge and deep rivers proceed, whereof the first is named Ventrau, that runneth Eastward through all the Kingdoms of Sornau and Siam, entring into the Sea by the Bar of Chiamtabuu, in six and twenty degrees;


Outro, que se chama Iangumaa, cortando ao Sul & ao Sueste, & atrauessando muyto grande parte da terra, como he o reyno do Chiammay, os Laos, os Gueos, & algũa parte do Dãbambuu, entra no mar pela barra de Martauão no reyno de Peguu, & ha de distancia de hum ao outro pela graduaçaõ dos seus climas, mais de setecentas legoas.

The second, Jangumaa, that going South and South-east, traverseth also the greatest part of this Country, as likewise the Kingdom of Chiammay, the Laos, Gueos, and another part of Danbambur, disimboking into the Sea by the Bar of Martabano, in the Kingdom of Pegu, and there is in distance from the one to the other by the degrees of this Climate, above seven hundred leagues;


O terceyro rio, por nome Pumfileu, corta pela mesma maneyra todo Capimper, & Sacotay, & voltando por cima deste segundo rio, corre todo o imperio do Monginoco, com algũa parte do Meleytay, & Souady, & vay fazer sua entrada no mar pela barra de Cosmim, junto de Arracão, & do quarto rio, que tambem he do teor de cada hum destes, nos não souberaõ dar razão os embaixadores, mas presumese, segũdo a opinião dos mais, que he o Gãges de Sategão no reyno de Bengala.

The third, called Pamphileu, passeth in the same manner through all the Countries of Capimper and Sacotay, and turning above that second river runs quite through the Empire of Monginoco, and a part of Meleytay, and Sovady, rendring it self into the Sea by the Bar of Cosmim, near to Arracan; The fourth, which in all likelihood is as great as the rest, is not known by any name, neither could the Ambassadors give us any reason for it: but it is probable, according to the opinion of divers, that it is Ganges in the Kingdom of Bengala,


De modo que estes quatro rios se tem que saõ os mayores que quantos ategora se sabem em tudo o que he descuberto naquellas partes Orientais, & deste lago para diante he a terra ja menos pouada que toda a outra por onde passamos.

so that by all the discoveries which have been made in these Oriental Countries it is conceived, that there is not a greater river then it.


Seguindo daquy nosso caminho para diante por espaço de mais sete dias, chegamos a hum lugar, por nome Caleypute, no qual os moradores delle nos não consentirão sayr em terra, & querendo os embaixadores a porfiar na desembarcação, os tratarão tão mal com pedradas, & arremessos de saligues & paos tostados, que ja quando nos vimos liures delles ouuemos que nos fizera Deos muyta merce.

Having crossed this Lake we continued our course for the space of seven dayes, till we came to a place named Caleyputa, the inhabitants whereof would by no means permit us to land, for the Ambassadors endeavouring to do so, they entertained us with such store of darts and stones from the shore, as we thought us not a little happy in that we could save our selves from the danger of it.


E partindonos daquy assaz enfadados & maltratados, & sobre tudo muyto faltos do necessario, nauegamos por cõselho dos pilotos por outro rio muyto mais largo que o esteyro que tinhamos deixado, por tempo de noue dias, no fim dos quais prouue a Deos que chegamos a hũa boa pouoação que se dezia Tarem, cujo senhor era subdito do Cauchim, que recebeo este seu embaixador com mostras de grande amizade, & o proueo de tudo o necessario em muyta abastança.

After we had gotten out of this place, much vexed with the bad entreaty we had received there, that which most afflicted us was to see our selves unprovided of things we were greatly in need of, but by the counsel of our Pilots we sailed by another river far larger then the straight which we had left, and that by the space of nine dayes, at the end whereof we arrived at a very good Town, called Tarem, the Lord of which was subject to the Cauchin, who received the Ambassadors with great Demonstrations of love, and furnished them abundantly with all that they wanted.


Daquy nos partimos logo ao outro dia ja quase sol posto, & continuamos nosso caminho por este rio abaixo mais sete dias, que chegamos a hũa boa cidade chamada Xolor, na qual se faz toda a porcellana adamascada que vay ter á China.

The next day we departed from thence about Sun-set, and continuing our voyage down the river about seven days after we came to an Anchor in the Port of Xolor, which is a very fair Town, where all the enammelled purcelain, which is carried to China is made.


Aquy estiuerão os embaixadores cinco dias, nos quais mandarão varar as quatro embarcaçoens que leuauão, por já a este tempo irem muyto zorreyras & cheas de busano.

There the Ambassadors stayed five days, during which time they caused their ships, that were very heavy, to be haled ashore by the force of boats.


E em quanto se entendeo em se prouuer o necessario, foraõ os embaixadores ver hũas minas que o Rey do Cauchim aquy tem, das quais se tiraua grande quantidade de prata, que em carretas leuauão para a fundição, em que trabalhauão mais de mil homẽs a fora os das minas que erão muyto mais.

That done, and provision made of all things necessary, they went to see certain Mines, which the King of Cauchin hath in that place, from whence great store of silver is drawn,


E preguntando aly os embaixadores que copia se tiraua aly de prata cada anno, lhes foy respondido que seys mil picos, que fazẽ oito mil quintaes da nossa moeda.

and the Ambassadors being desirous to know how much silver those Mines yielded every year, they were answered, that the whole amounted to some six thousand Picos, which make eight thousand Quintals of our weight.


Do que passamos despois que partimos desta cidade de Xolor ate que chegamos onde estaua el Rey da Cauchenchina.


Desta cidade de Xolor continuamos nossas jornadas mais cinco dias por este grande rio, vẽdo sempre em todos elles muytos & muyto nobres lugares que ao longo delle estauão, porque ja aquy neste clima he a terra muyto milhor, mais pouoada, rica, & abastada, & os rios muyto frequentados de grande multidão de embarcaçoẽs de remo, & os campos cultiuados de trigos, arrozes, & de toda a sorte de legumes, & canaueais daçucar muyto grandes, de que toda esta terra he muyto abundante.

After our departure from the Town of Xolor we still continued our course for five days together down that great river, and saw all along that while a many of great Boroughs, and goodly Towns; for in that Climate the Land is better then other where, very well peopled, and full of riches; withall the rivers are frequented with a world of vessels, and the fields very well tilled, and replenished with abundance of wheat, rice, all kind of pulse, and exceeding great Sugar-canes, whereof there is marvellous store in all that Country.


A gente nobre anda vestida de seda, em cauallos bẽ ajaezados, & as molheres saõ muyto aluas & fermosas.

The Gentlemen there are ordinarily clothed in silk, and mounted on horses handsomly furnished; as for the women, they are exceeding white and fair


Estes dous esteyros & o rio de Ventinau de que atras fiz menção, passamos com muyto trabalho & perigo, por causa dos muytos cossayros que auia nelles, & chegamos â cidade de Manaquileu, que està situada ao pé dos montes de Comhay na arraya dos reynos da China & do Cauchim, na qual estes embaixadores tambos foraõ bem recebidos do Capitão della.

Now it was not without much labour, pain, and danger, that we passed those two Channels, as also the river of Ventinau, by reason of the Pyrats that usually are encountred there, nevertheless we at the length arrived at the Town of Manaquileu, which is scituated at the foot of the Mountains of Chomay, upon the Frontiers of the two Kingdoms of China, and Cauchenchina, where the Ambassadors were both well received by the Governour thereof.


Daquy se partiraõ logo ao outro dia pela menham cedo, & foraõ dormir a hũa cidade que se dezia Tinamquaxy, na qual forão ambos visitar hũa tia del Rey, senhora della, que lhes fez bom gasalhado, & lhes deu por noua que el Rey seu sobrinho era ja vindo da guerra dos Tinocouhós, & muyto contente do bom successo que nella tiuera, & outras particularidades que folgarão muyto de saber, principalmente quando lhes disse que el Rey despois de despidida toda a gente que trouxera comsigo, se passara aforrado a Fanaugrem, onde auia ja quasi hum mès que estaua occupado em caças & pescarias, & com tenção de yr inuernar a Huzamguee, que he a metropoli deste imperio Cauchim.

The next morning departing from that place, they went and lay in a Town, named Quinancaxi, which appertained to an Aunt of the Kings, whom they went to visite; she gave them a very kind reception, and withall told them for news, that the King her Nephew, was newly returned from the War of the Tinocouhos, and wonderfully well pleased with his good success therein; whereunto she added many particularities, which they were glad to hear, especially when she assured them, that the King, after he had dismissed the forces that he had carried out with him, was gone with a small Train to the City of Fanaugrem, where he intended to spend some time in hunting & fishing, & then to go & winter at Usamguee, the capital City of this Empire of Cauchim.


E auido entre ambos cõselho sobre esta noua, assentaraõ de mãdarem as embarcaçoẽs todas quatro a Huzamguee, & elles ambos com poucos dos seus irẽse por terra a Fanaugrem onde tinhão por nouas que el Rey estaua, o que logo se pós em effeito co parecer tambem desta princesa, a qual lhes mãdou dar todas as caualgaduras que ouuerão mister para sy & para os seus, & oito badas para leuarem o seu fato.

When as they had consulted a while upon these news, they resolved to send their four vessels away to Usamguee, and themselves to travel by land to Fanaugrem, where they understood the King was. This deliberation taken they put incontinently into execution, & that by the advice of this Princess, who for that purpose caused them to be furnished with horses for themselves, & their people, as also with eight Rhinocerots for the transportation of their baggage.


E partindose daly a tres dias, despois de terem andadas oitenta & seis legoas, em que puserão treze dias com assaz de trabalho, por causa dalgũs montes agros & serranias muyto grandes que atrauessarão, foraõ ter a hum aposento grãde que se dezia Taraudachit que estaua â borda de hũ rio, onde se agasalharão aquella noite, & como ao outro dia foy menham se partiraõ para hũa villa que se dezia Lindau panoo, onde forão bem agasalhados do Capitão della que era parente do embaixador da Cauchenchina, o qual auia sós cinco dias que chegara de Fanaugrem onde el Rey ficaua, que era ainda daly quinze legoas.

They began their journy then about three days after, and having travelled fourscore & six leagues, in the space of thirteen days, and that with much toil & labour, by reason of certain mountains which they were to pass, that were of a long extent, and very rough and stony, in the end they arrived at a great lodging, called Taraudachit, seated upon the bank of a river; There they passed the night, and the next morning they parted thence for to go to a Town, named Lindau Panoo, where they were very well received by the Captain thereof, a kinsman of the Ambassadors of Cauchenchina; who was come not about six days before from Fanaugrem, where the King remained still, being not more then fifteen leagues from that place.


Este Capitão despois que contou a este embaixador seu parẽte algũas nouas da corte & dos successos da guerra, lhe deu tambem por nouas que hum seu genro era fallecido, por cuja morte sua filha, que era molher do morto, se queimara tambem logo, de que seus parẽtes todos estauão muyto consolados, por ella mostrar nesta fineza que fizera quem sempre fora.

After that this Captain hath told this Ambassador his kinsman some other news of the Court, and of the success of the war, he further advertised him that a Son in law of his was dead, for the love of whom his daughter the wife of the deceased, had cast her self into a pile of flaming fire, where with her busbands body she was consumed to ashes, at which all her kinred exceedingly rejoyced, for that by so generous an end she had given proof of what she had ever been.


E o mesmo embaixador pay da morta, se mostrou tambem disto muyto satisfeito, dizendo, agora filha, que sey que es santa, & estás seruindo teu marido no Ceo, te prometo & juro que por essa fineza em que mostraste o real sangue donde procedes, te mande fazer em memoria de tua bõdade, hũa casa de nome tão honroso, que tu desejes de vir de lá dõde estàs a te recrear nella, como aquellas almas que temos pera nos, que ja antigamẽte fizeraõ o mesmo.

The Ambassador himself, her father, testified also no little content for the same, saying; Now it is, O my daughter, that I know assuredly thou art a Saint, and that thou servest thy husband in Heaven, wherefore I promise and swear to thee, that for so memorable an end, wherein thou hast given an infallible proof of the Royal blood whereof thou art descended, I will in memory of thy goodness build thee such a magnificent and honourable house, as shall make thee desire to come from were thou art, for to recreate thy self in it, in imitation of those blessed souls, which we hold have heretofore done the like.


E com isto se deixou cayr em terra de bruços co rosto no chaõ, onde esteue ate o outro dia que foy visitado de todos os religiosos daquella terra, que o consolarão com muytas palauras, affirmandolhe que sua filha era santa, & como a tal lhe podia mandar fazer estatua de prata, por que todos elles lhe dauão licença para isso, o que elle estimou grandemẽte, & lhes deu por isso muytos agradecimentos, & os proueo cõ dinheyro, & assi a todos os pobres que auia na terra.

This said, he fel flat down with his face on the ground, and in that posture continued till the day following, when as he was visited by all the religious men of the place, who comforted him with full assurance that his daughter was a Saint, so that all of them granted him permission to erect a Statue of silver unto her. These speeches of the Priests greatly pleased the Ambassador, who very much acknowledged the same unto them, giving mony both to them, and to all the poor that were thereabout;


Neste lugar nos detiuemos noue dias celebrãdo elle as exequias desta defunta, & no cabo delles nos partimos, & ao outro dia fomos ter a hũa abadia chamada Latiparau, que quer dizer, remedio de pobres, na qual os embaixadores ambos se detiueraõ tres dias esperando por recado del Rey, a quẽ jâ tinhão mandado dar cõta da sua vinda o qual lhes mandou que se viessem para hũa villa mais adiãte tres legoas, que era hũa só de Fanaugrẽ que se dezia Agimpur, onde os mãdaria buscar a ambos quando fosse tempo.

At this place we spent nine days in celebrating the Funerals of the Defunct, and then departing we went the next day to a certain Monastery, called Latiparau, that is to say, The remedy of the poor, where the two Ambassadors remained three days in expectation of news from the King, whom they had already advertised of their arrival; Now his answer to them was, that they should go to a Town, named Agimpur, three leagues from the place where they were, and but one from Fanaugrem, whither he would send for them when time served.


Do recebimẽto que este Rey da Cauchenchina fez ao embaixador da Tartaria na villa de Fanaugrem.

The reception of the Tartarian Ambassador by the King of Cauchenchina, with the said Kings going from thence to the City of Uzemguee, and his triumphal Entry thereinto.


Sendo el Rey auisado pelo seu embaixador como trazia comsigo estoutro del Rey da Tartaria, o mãdou logo ao outro dia buscar a esta villa de Agimpur onde estaua alojado, por hum seu cunhado irmão da Raynha sua molher, principe muyto valeroso & de muyta rẽda que se chamaua Passilau Vacão, o qual vinha em hũa carreta de tres rodas por banda, toda forrada de prata, com quatro quartaos brancos, guarnecidos todos de jaezes douro,

THe King being advertised by his Ambassadour, that he brought another along with him from the King of Tartaria, sent for him not long after from Agimpur by the Brother of the Queen his wife, a very valiant and rich Prince: He was mounted on a Chariot with three wheels on a side, adorned all within with plates of silver, and drawn by four white Horses, whose furniture was all imbroidered with gold;


& ao redor desta fiambra, que assi se chama naquella terra, vinhão sessenta homens a pé, os quais postos em duas fileyras, a cercauão toda em roda, & vinhão vestidos de couro verde, & todos com treçados às costas com as bainhas chapeadas douro, & juntamente com estes, doze porteyros de maças.

This Chariot, which they of the Country call Piamber, was waited on by threescore footmen, half on the one side, and half on the other, clothed in green leather, with Scymiters by their sides, whose Scabberds were garnished with gold, and before them went twelve Ushers bearing their Maces on their shoulders;


Por fora destas fileyras, com a mesma ordem dellas, vinhão outros muytos homens com alabardas guarnecidas de prata, & com quimoẽs & calças de seda verde & parda, & seus treçados em talabartes quasi ao nosso modo, & elles todos muyto bem despostos, & de aspeitos soberbos & carrancudos, os quais assi cõ isto, como cos mais meneos exteriores, que em tudo se conformauão com a sua natural soberba, não deixauão de causar algum temor.

After the footmen followed certain others carrying Halberts trimmed with silver, in gowns and breeches of green and white silk, and with Scymiters by their sides; These fellows seemed vevy haughty and proud, so that by their outward behaviours, which in all their actions appeared to be like unto their surly dispositions, they rendred themselves somewhat terrible to others;


Adiante desta guarda obra de trinta passos, hião oitenta elifantes muyto bem concertados, com cadeyras & castellos guarnecidos de prata; & nos dentes suas panouras de guerra, & campainhas aos pescoços de bõ tamanho,

Thirty paces after this Guard marched fourscore Elephants exceeding well furnished, with chairs and castles adorned with silver which they carried on their backs, and on their teeth their Panores, or warlick Defences, together with many little bells of the same metal hanging about their necks;


& adiante destes elifantes, que se dezia que erão da guarda del Rey, hia outra muyta gente de cauallo, com bõs vestidos & jaezes.

Before these Elephants, which were said to be the Kings Guard, rode a number of men at Arms in very good Equipage,


E na dianteyra de todo este apparato hião doze carretas com atabales de prata, cõ suas gualdrapas de seda.

and in the Vantgard of all this train went twelve Chariots with Cymbals of silver, and covered with silk.


Chegãdo este principe com este apparato & magestade ao embaixador da Tartaria, que ja o estaua esperando, despois de se fazerem todas as cerimonias de cumprimentos & cortesias que se custumão entre elles, as quais durarão quasi hũ quarto de hora, o principe deu ao embaixador a fiambra em que vinha, & se pós em hum quartao à sua mão direyta, & o outro embaixador del Rey que vinha com nosco, â mão ezquerda.

When this Prince was come in this stately manner to the Ambassador of Tartaria, who attended him, and that they had performed all such compliments one to another, as are usual amongst them, the Prince gave the Ambassador the Chariot wherein he came thither, and mounting on a gallant Courser, he placed himself on the right hand of him, and the Kings Ambassadour on the left:


E caminhando assi com a mesma ordem que trouxera, cõ muytos estrõdos de tangeres de diuersas maneyras, chegarão ao primeyro terreyro do aposento del Rey, onde o Broquem, capitão da guarda do paço o estaua esperando a pé, acompanhado de muyta gente nobre, a fora a guarda de cauallo, que posta em duas fileyras, tomaua todo o comprimento do terreyro.

In this pomp, and with the same order as before, as also with the sound of divers instruments of musick, they arrived at the first Court of the Kings house, where the Broquem, Captain of the Guard of the Pallace atttended them, being acompanied with many Noble-men, besides a number on horsback, which stood ranked in two files all along the Court.


E despois que cõ outra noua cerimonia todos fizerão suas cortesias, se forão assi a pé até a entrada do paço, onde acharão hum homem velho, que dezião que era tio del Rey, por nome Vuemmiserau, de mais de oitenta annos de idade, acompanhado de muytos senhores & gẽte nobre, ao qual os embaixadores ambos por outra noua cerimonia, beijarão o troçado que tinha na cinta, a que elle por hõra suprema satisfez com lhes pòr as mãos nas cabeças despois de se lhe ambos prostrarem por terra.

After they had with a new ceremony been complemented withall, they went on foot to the Pallace-gate, where they encountred with an old man, above fourscore years of age, who was said to be the Kings Uncle; This same, being waited upon by divers great Lords, was no sooner perceived by the Ambassadors, but with a new kind of complement they kist the Scymiter that hung by his side, whereupon he returned them the like, together with an honour, which is of no little estimation amongst them, that was to hold his hand upon their heads, so long as they were prostrated on the ground before him.


Elle tomando ao Tartaro quasi igual de sy, abalou por hũa sala muyto comprida até hũa porta que na frõtaria della estaua, & batendo nella tres vezes, lhe responderão de dentro que era o que queria, a que elle respondeo com voz misurada, he chegado por custume antigo de verdadeyra amizade hum embaixador do grão Xinarau da Tartaria, para ser aquy ouuido do Prechau Guimião que todos temos por senhor de nossas cabeças, com a qual reposta as portas ambas forão de todo abertas, & entrarão para dentro.

Then having caused the Tartar to rise, and to march even cheek by jole with him, he led him through a very long Hall to a door which was at the end thereof, where after he had knocked three times, one demanded of him, who he was, and what he would have? whereunto answering very soberly, Here is come, said he, out of an ancient custom of true amity, an Ambassador from the great Xinarau of Tartaria, to demand an audience of Prechau Guimian, whom we all hold for the Lord of our heads. This answer being returned, the door opened, into which they presently entred;


Diante de todos este principe co embaixador da Tartaria pela mão, & o outro del Rey co broquem hum pouco mais atras, & apos elle os outros de que vinhão acompanhados, postos todos por sua ordem de tres em tres,

the Prince marched fore-most with the Ambassador of Tartaria, whom de held by the hand, and a little behind them went the other belonging to the King, with the Captain of the Guard, then followed all the company by three and three.


& passando esta casa, em que não auia mais gente que homẽs da guarda postos em joelhos cõ suas alabardas nas mãos, entramos noutra muyto mayor & mais nobre, que se chamaua Naguantiley, onde vimos sessenta & quatro estatuas de bronzo, & dezanoue de prata, presas todas pelos pescoços cõ cadeas de ferro.

Having gone through that room, where there was none but certain of the Guard on their knees with Halberds in their hands, we went into another room far more spacious and fair then the former, in the which we saw threscore and four Statues of brass, and nineteen of silver, all tied by the neck with iron chains;


Espantados nòs disto & preguntado o que era, nos foy respõdido por hũ dos orepos que aly estauão que era sacerdote, que o que tinhamos visto, & de que nos espantauamos, eraõ os oitẽta & tres deoses dos Timocouhós que el Rey, quando os desbaratara no campo, lhes tomara em hum grãde templo onde estauão, porque a mayor honra, & de que el Rey fazia mayor caso, era triumphar dos deoses de seus inimigos, que a seu despeito trazia catiuos,

At so extraordinary a thing as this being much abashed, we demanded of one of their Grepes, or priests, the reason of it, who answered us, That the Statues which we beheld there were the fourscore and three gods of the Tinocouhos, whom the King in the late war had taken from them out of a Temple, where they were placed; for, added he, there is nothing in the world held in more esteem, or for a greater honour by the King, then to triumph over the gods of his enemies, which he hath led away captive in despight of them;


& pregũtandolhe nòs paraque os tinhão aly presos, nos responderão que para quando entrasse na cidade de Huzanguee, para onde estaua de caminho, os mãdar leuar arrastando por aquellas cadeas com que estauão presos para triumpho da victoria que alcançara delles.

whereupon enquiring further of him, why they were set there, he replyed, that it was to have them in a readiness against the time that the King should make his entry into Uzamguee, whither he purposed shortly to go, for to make a shew of them so chained in his triumph as a special mark of the victory he had gained.


Passando esta casa dos idolos, entramos noutra onde vimos muyta soma de molheres muyto fermosas que ao longo das paredes estauão assentadas, hũas laurando, & outras tangẽdo & cantãdo, que muyto folgamos de ver,

After we were at the end of his room, where the Idols were, we entred into another very great one, where we saw a number of very fair women, who were set all along, some imployed in curious needle-works, and others singing and playing upon certain inftruments of musick, very pleasing to hear.


& noutra casa mais adiante, a cuja porta estauão seis molheres cõ maças de prata como porteyras, estaua el Rey acompanhado de algũs homẽs velhos, inda que poucos, & a mais companhia eraõ molheres moças tangendo em seus estromentos musicos, & algũas meninas que cantauão a elles.

Passing on we arrived at the door of the Kings Chamber, where we found six women, which were as it were porters there, and carried silver Maces; In this room was the King, in the company of a few ancient men, and a great number of young women, to the tune of whose musick certain little girls sung very harmoniously:


El Rey estaua em hũa tribuna de oito degraos, a modo de altar, a qual tinha por cima hum teyto que descançaua sobre hũs balaustres, & este teito & balaustres eraõ todos forrados de pastas douro.

The King was set on a Throne of eight steps high in the manner of an Altar, over the which was a cloth of State supported by pillars, all covered over with gold engraven;


Iunto delle estauão seys meninos em joelhos com cetros nas mãos, & mais afastada hum pouco estaua hũa molher já de dias que o abanaua de quãdo em quando, a qual tinha hum ramal de contas grossas ao pescoço.

near to him were six little children upon their knees with Scepters in their hands, and a little further off stood a woman reasonably well in years, which fanned him ever and anon, and had a great Garland about her neck.


Elle seria de idade de trinta & cinco annos, bem assombrado, os olhos grãdes, a barba bem posta & loura, o rosto graue, a filosomia seuera, & o aspeito de principe grandioso assi no estado, como no mais que representaua.

This Prince was about some five and thirty years of age, and of a goodly presence: He had full eyes, auborn hair and beard, a grave look, and in all points the countenance of a generous King.


Entrando os embaixadores nesta casa, se prostrarão ambos por terra tres vezes, & da terceyra ficou o seu debruçado no meyo da casa, & o do Tartaro passou adiante, & chegou ate junto da tribuna onde elle estaua, & subindo no primeyro degrao lhe disse em voz que todos ouuiraõ, o Otinão cor Valirate, prechau com panoo das forças da terra, o bafo do alto Deos que tudo criou prospere o ser de tua grandeza para mil annos as tuas alparcas serem cabellos de todos os Reys, com te fazer semelhante aos ossos & carne do grande principe das serras da prata, por cujo mãdado aquy sou vindo a te visitar em seu nome como por esta mutra do seu real sello podes ver.

As soon as the Ambassadors came into the room they prostrated themselves three times on the ground, and at the third time the Kings lay still flat all along, whilest the Tartar passed on; who being come near to the first step of the Throne where the King sate, he said unto him with so loud a voice as all there present might hear him, O thou the Prop of all the Forces of the Earth, and the breath of the High God which hath created all things, may the Majestical Being of thy greatness prosper for ever and ever, so that thy Sandals may serve for hairs to the heads of Kings, making the like to the bones and flesh of the great Prince of the silver mountains, by whose commandment I come to visit thee as thou mayst perceive by this his Letter sealed with his Royal arms.


El Rey olhando para elle com rosto alegre, lhe respondeo, no seu desejo & no meu conforme o Sol com a doce quentura dos seus claros rayos este verdadeyro amor até o vltimo bramido do mar, paraque o Senhor seja louuado na sua paz para sempre, a que todos os senhores que estauão na casa responderão em hũa voz, assi o conceda o que dâ ser ao dia & â noite, & tocando então as molheres os estromentos que antes tangião el Rey por então não fallou mais, sómente ao recolher lhe disse, eu verey a carta do Xinarau meu irmão, & responderey a ella conforme ao teu desejo paraque te partas alegre diante de mim: a que o embaixador sem responder nada se tornou a prostrar ao pé da tribuna pondo por tres vezes a cabeça no degrao em que estaua assentado.

When he had made an end of speaking thus, the Cauchin beholding him with a smiling countenance, May the Sun, answered he, put a conformity between the desires of the King thy Master, and mine, and that by the sweet heat of his amorous rayes, to the end that the great amity, which is betwixt us, may endure and continue firm till the last noise the Sea shall make, that so the Lord may be eternally praised in his peace. At these words all the Lords that were in the room answered with one voice, So grant it may be O Lord Almighty, that givest a being to the night and the day. Then the same women, which played before, beginning their musick again, the King used no further speech, but only in kindly entertaining the Ambassador, I will, said he, read my brother Xinarau’s Letter, and return an answer thereunto according to thy desire, to the end thou mayst go from me contented. The Ambassador made him no reply, but prostrated himself again at the foot of the Royal Throne, laying his head three times on the uppermost step where the Kings feet stood.


Então o tomou o Broquem pela mão, & o leuou comsigo para sua casa, õde pousou todo o tempo que aly esteue que foraõ treze dias em que se el Rey partio para Huzanquee.

That done the Captain of the Guard took him by the hand, and led him to his house, where he lodged during the three days that he abode there, at the end whereof the King departed thence for to go to Uzamguee.


Como el Rey se passou de Fanaugrem para a cidade de Huzanguee & do triumpho com que nella entrou.


Passados treze dias despois que chegamos a esta villa de Fanaugrẽ, estando ja el Rey a este tempo de caminho para Huzanguee, não teue este embaixador da Tartaria mais entrada com elle que sôs duas vezes, em hũa das quais lhe fallou em nos conforme a hum dos capitulos que trazia no seu regimento, a que elle com sembrante alegre dizem que respondeo, assi se farà, & tu não te esqueças de mo lembrares quando vires que os ventos o pedem, para que lhes não falte monção para chegarem onde desejão, de que o embaixador veyo muyto contente, & nos pedio de aluiçaras de tão boa noua que lhe escreuessemos nũ liuro que tinha algũas oraçoẽs do nosso Deos, porque desejaua grandemente de ser seu escrauo pelas muytas excellẽncias que nos tinha ouuido delle, pela qual noua, que para nós foy de grandissimo contentamẽto, lhe demos todos muytas graças, porque isto era o que pretendiamos somente, & que desejauamos muyto mais que o grande interesse com que algũas vezes fomos cometidos por el Rey dos Tartaros para ficarmos a seu seruiço.

In regard of the Kings journy to Uzamguee, the Tartar Ambassador had audience but once by the way, in the which he moved him about our particular, according to the express commandment he had received from his Master for that purpose, and it was said that the King heard him very willingly, answering, that he would do what he desired, and therefore willed him to put him in mind of it, when the time should serve, to the end we might not lose the oppottunity of the season for our voyage. With this good news the Ambassador acquainted us at his return, and demanded of us for this good office he had done us, that we would write him out some of those prayers which we made to our God, whose slave, he said, he infinitely desired to be, in regard of the great excellencies which he had heard us deliver of him; This we nor only granted him very readily, but also gave him infinite thanks besides for this his great favour shewed unto us, which we made more account of then all the benefits that had been propounded unto us by the King of Tartaria, if we would have continued in his service.


Partido el Rey desta villa de Fanaugrem hum sabbado pela menhã fez seu caminho por jornadas de sós seis legoas por dia, por causa da muyta gente que leuaua cõsigo.

After the King was departed from the City of Fanaugrem, he proceeded on in his journy travelling but only six leagues a day, by reason of the great number of persons that he carried along with him;


O primeyro dia que partio, foy jantar a hũa villa pequena que se dezia Benau, & nella esteue até bẽ tarde, & foy dormir a hũa abadia por nome Pomgatur, & ao outro dia pela menham cedo se partio para Mecuy, donde aforrado cõ sós tres mil de cauallo seguio seu caminho por espaço de noue dias, passando por muytos & muyto nobres lugares, segundo mostraua a apparencia de fora, sem querer aceitar recebimento nem festas em nenhum delles, dando por razão que festas de pouo eraõ occasião para officiaes tyrannos roubarem os pobres, do qual Deos se auia por muyto desseruido.

The first day he dined at a little Town, called Benau, where he stayed until the evening, and then went to lodge at a Monastery, named Pamgatur; The next morning he departed from thence, and so with not above three thousand horse in his Train he prosecuted his journy for nine dayes together, passing by many goodly Towns, at least they seemed to us so, without pemitting any reception to be made him by any of them;


Desta maneyra chegou â cidade de Lingator, situada ao longo de hum rio dagoa doce muyto largo & fundo, frequentado de muytas embarcaçoẽs de remo, onde se deteue cinco dias, por vir mal desposto do caminho.

In this manner he arrived at the City of Lingator, seated on a river of fresh water, which for the bredth and deepness of it is frequented with much shipping; There he abode five days, for that he found himself somewhat indisposod with the tediousness of the journy:


Daquy se partio hũa antemenham com sós trinta de cauallo, sem querer leuar mais companhia.

From this place he departed before day, taking no greater company with him then thirty horse,


E assi desuiando da communicação da gẽte, se foy desenfadando em muyta caça daltenaria, a que se dezia que fora sempre muyto affeiçoado, & nestes passatempos, & em outros de mõtarias & de outras caças que os pouos lhe tinhão apparelhados, passou a mayor parte deste caminho, dormindo as mais das noites, por fragueyrice, no mais espesso dos matos em tendas que para isso leuaua.

and so withdrawing himself from the communication of so much people, as continually importuned him, he spent most part of the time as he went by the way in hawking and hunting; those of the Countryes by which he past providing game always ready for him. In this sort going on he slept most commonly amidst very thick woods in Tents pitched for him to that purpose.


E chegãdo ao rio de Baguetor, que he hum dos tres que atras disse que saem do lago de Famstir no reyno da Tartaria, o passou da outra parte em laulees & jangaas de remo que lhe já aly tinhão prestes, & nellas seguio seu caminho pelo rio abaixo atè hum lugar grande que se chamaua Natibasoy, onde desembarcou jâ quasi noite sem fausto nenhum,

Being arrived at the river of Baguetor, he passed down the same in certain vessels, called Laulees and Jangoas, which were there ready for him, till he carne to a Town, named Natibasoy, where about evening he landed without any kind of pomp;


& daquy fez o caminho por terra, & a cabo de treze dias chegou a Huzamguee, onde se lhe fez hum grande recebimento, leuando por triumpho diante de sy todos os despojos que tomara na guerra, de que a principal parte & de que se elle mais jactaua erão doze carretas carregadas dos idolos de que atras fiz menção, os quais eraõ de diuersas maneyras como elles os custumão ter nos seus pagodes, & destes os sessenta & quatro erão gigantes de bronzo, & dezanoue de prata do mesmo teor & grandeza, porque, como ja por vezes tenho dito, o de que esta gente faz mais caso he de triumpharem com estes idolos, dizendo que a pesar de seus inimigos lhe catiuarão os seus deoses, em torno destas doze carretas hia hũa grande quantidade de sacerdotes presos de tres em tres com cadeas do ferro, os quais todos hião chorãdo.

The rest of his journy he made by land, so that at the end of thirteen dayes he arrived at Uzamguee, where he had a most magnifient reception. At his entry thereinto there marched before him, as it were in triumph, all the spoyls which he had taken in the wars, whereof the principal, and those which he made most reckoning of, were twelve Chariots laden with the Idols, of whom I have spoken heretofore, and whereof the forms were different, as they use to have them in their Pagods. Of these idols there were threescore and four of brass, which seemed to be Gyants, and nineteen of silver of the same Stature, for, as I have delivered before, these people glory in nothing so much, as to triumph over those idols, that so they may say, That in despight of their enemies he had made their gods his Slaves; Round about these twelve Chariots went divers Priests by three and three weeping, and bound with iron chains;


Apos estes sacerdotes, mais atras hum pequeno espaço hião quarenta carros com duas badas em cada carro, cheyos até cima de infinidade de armas, com muytas bandeyras a rasto, & noutros vinte carros que tras estes hião pela mesma maneyra vinhão hũas arcas muyto grandes chapeadas de ferro, em que se dezia que vinha o tisouro dos Timocouhos, & nesta ordem hia tudo o mais de que elles custumão a fazer caso nos triũphos destas entradas, como forão duzentos elifantes armados com castellos & panouras de guerra, que saõ as espadas que leuão nos dentes quãdo pelejão, & hũa grande soma de cauallos com sacas de caueyras & de ossos de gente morta.

After them followed forty other Chariots, each of them being drawn by two Rhinocerots, and full from the bottom to the top of an infinite company of Arms, and trayled Colours; In the tayl of them there were twenty more, carrying each of them a very great Chest, barr’d with iron, and wherein, as we were told, was the treasure of the Tinocouhos; In the same order marched all other things, which are used to be most esteemed of in such triumphant entries, as two hundred Elephants armed with Castles and warlike Panoures, which are certain swords that are fastened to their teeth when they fight, and a great number of horses laden with sacks full of dead mens heads and bones;


De maneyra que nesta entrada mostrou ao pouo tudo o que ganhara por sua lança aos inimigos na batalha que tiuera com elles.

so that in this entry this King of Cauchin presented to the view of his people all that he had gained from his enemies in the battail he had given them.


Despois de auer quasi hum més que estauamos nesta cidade, vendo muytos jogos & festas notaueis, & outras muytas maneyras de desenfadamentos que os grandes & o pouo continuamente fazião, com banquetes esplendidos todos os dias, o embaixador Tartaro que nos trouxera, fallou a el Rey sobre a nossa yda, a qual lhe elle concedeo muyto leuemente, & nos mandou logo dar embarcação para a costa da China, onde nos pareceo que achassemos nauios nossos em que nos fossemos para Malaca, & dahy para a India, o qual foy logo posto em effeito, & nòs nos fizemos prestes do necessario para a partida.

After we had been a full month in this City, during which time we had seen a world of stately shews, sports, and several sorts of rejoycings, accompanied with most costly feasts and banquets, set forth and made not onely by the greater persons, but by the common people also, the Tartar Ambassadour, that had brought us thither, moved the King again about our voyage, whereunto he gave us so gracious an ear, that he presently commanded we should be furnished with a vessel for to carry us to the Coast of China, where we hoped to meet with some Portugal ship, that might transport us to Malaca, and from thence to the Indiaes, which accordingly was done, whereupon without further delay we prepared all things necessary for our departure.